Well I just beat the game for now. Summoned a tree during the rate up a few days ago. Had my last 5 gems and was thinking about summoning today because the only unit I had was 2x Zelnites but hemmed and hawed about it this morning when I played. Finally got a Xenon to go with my Estia and started on the prologue so knowing I would at least get a gem from that tonight I summoned and got my god damn Darvenshel! So now I have Tree, Darv, Lillithx2, Zelnite x2, DX, Zebra, Lubra, Melc, and at least one good unit of every color if needed. 100% F2P. Feels good man. Just need to level that Darv ASAP and I can rape Maxwell as soon as she's patched in!
Was so excited I went ahead and posted but my now useless kickass units are
Kajah, Zephyr, Duel-SGX
Ronel, Grybe, Emelia
Lucina, Signas, Rickel, Mariudeth
Ramna, Borg, Aisha
and Grah/Karl with Cayenne, Serrin, Hatsune, Deemox2, and Zebra for stuff where they are useful. So stoked I got Darvanshel!
Was so excited I went ahead and posted but my now useless kickass units are
Kajah, Zephyr, Duel-SGX
Ronel, Grybe, Emelia
Lucina, Signas, Rickel, Mariudeth
Ramna, Borg, Aisha
and Grah/Karl with Cayenne, Serrin, Hatsune, Deemox2, and Zebra for stuff where they are useful. So stoked I got Darvanshel!