Walt manipulated Jesse over and over to keep him in the subservient "mentee" position. Walt drew both of them further and further down this rabbit hole of degeneracy and greed, in the end not even because of any real need just because of his own hubris. . Jesse wasnt in a great place to begin with, and each action took its toll on him. He acted out at times, acted rashly, I dont think that's unrealistic or even uncalled for. Walt, on the other hand, is kind of a sociopath. He completely blew his life up because he was too proud to ask for help, too entitled to accept his life as is. He ruined the lives of countless people, including his own children. And I'd argue theres a reading of that ending that he never really grew past that, he died mired in that shit even if he did one redeeming thing in saving Jesse. It isnt as if this could have been a story about a couple of successful upstarts if Jesse had just sucked it up and worked with the white supremacists and Walt, or if Jesse had just kept his head down in Gus' lab and done his 8 hours a day. The things they were doing were horrible, they were horrible people.
At no point though was Jesse where he was because of evil Walt. Jesse was in the meth business because Jesse was a drug dealer,
before he met Walt. Jesse was involved with the cartel because he was selling the Cartel meth,
BEFORE Walt. In Season 2/3 Walt broke it off with Jesse and was cooking with Gale, Jesse threatened Walt and Walt's family, forcing himself back into the business because felt entitled to half of it (Despite Walt trying to stop him). Once back in, Jesse STOLE Meth despite making MILLIONS a year and the amount he stole to sell was a pittance in comparison, he literally stole it because he felt
entitled to more, because he felt like his cut wasn't big enough--so he wanted to 'stick it' to Gus. He then sold that Meth in an opposing crew's territory, and when they warned him, he FORCED his friend Combo to continue selling it and the dude was killed for it because Jesse had no plan on how to actually keep his friend safe but was too god damn prideful to give up selling the Meth. (Literally everything you accuse Walt of, Jesse did in this arc--his pride and entitlement lead him to getting his friends and a child killed, and forcing Walt into a fight for his life. For nothing but Jesse's hubris, because Jesse felt his millions of dollars wasn't enough)
Walt rescues Jesse and sacrifices his own stability to do so. He gets himself into a "cold war" with Gus. And as Walt tries to strategize to fight Gus, Jesse swaps sides. Why? Because Walt was treating him like a peer, he was frank and honest with Jesse about how Gus was trying to manipulate him. (Pointing out the robbery was staged ect), meanwhile, Gus was saying nice things! And so, Despite Gus having literally ordered the
death of a child that Jesse supposedly was angry enough to go to war over, Jesse decides to take Gus's side and abandons the man who risked everything to save him. (Because Jesse is a piece of shit that gravitates toward whoever blows smoke up his ass and makes him feel competent)
He "acted out", come on man, the dude was a fucking dirt bag. A real piece of shit. He was also a massive sociopath that used people around him, except unlike Walt, he sniveled and begged for sympathy as a method of manipulation, he played the victim whenever his stupidity led him into a trap of his own making. Watching his "poor me" routine at the end of the series was disgusting. At least Walt, for all of him being a "sociopath", he owned up to what he did. He accepted his punishment and the judgement of others and tried to make it as right as he could, he knew he deserved to die. Jesse though? No, he acted like a victim. All of his malicious, and manipulative behavior wasn't owned up to at all. He 'erased' it all by acting like he had no agency in anything despite the worst tragedies of the series happening because he instigated them. (Literally except for Season 5, every other bad thing was the result of Jesse being an asshole).