Can't believe you missed the red book to the left of the Indian book. "The Final Days"Anyone else notice the DvD collection of Deadwood on the book shelf next to the book with Destiny in big words? Plus with the next eppisode having the name of an indian reservation the book "The Indians' Book" might also be something. Foreshadowing a shootout, cool little Easter egg or nothing? Why would there be a DvD collection and everything else be books?
Sam Catlin's first time directing12 "Rabid Dog" Directed by Sam Catlin Written by Sam Catlin September 1, 2013
Which dovetails nicely with Walt's confessional DVD that painted Hank as the heartless, manipulating drug boss.Hank was right about Walt actually caring about Jesse, while showing he is only using him and couldn't give a shit less if Jesse dies.
Or it could be that the entire cast always jokes about characters being killed off.Watching Talking Bad from last night. Walt Jr. was on and he made the comment of "I'm dead later on." So... Yeah, that's probably a spoiler.
let's hope that isn't true since you just posted it in the mfing threadstupid shit.
I thought this same thing...I actually thought I had missed a part or something! All this talk about how embarrassing it would be to have Hank admit to Gomez that the drug lord they've been after was his own brother-in-law, then all of a sudden he's just in the living room completely unaffected.The only blemish on this season so far is the fact that they didn't show Hank telling Gomez about Walt. That was a decision he struggled with and all of a sudden Gomez is sitting in his house completely unfazed. You can tell that they're rushing to wrap things up.
He wasn't just watching an empty house. He said he was following Jesse since he left Saul's.Yeah that was a giant leap. A smaller leap was hank watching an empty house so he could conveniently have a reason to stop jesse from burning the house down. An even smaller leap was jesse all of a sudden opening up confessing all to hank, although you can chalk that up to jesse not thing straight. A right thinking jesse would know that he just doomed himself to life in prison.