Fair enough, but if Hank and Gomez (+/- Jessie) don't die at the start of the next episode, it's a bit silly. Hank basically had a "good-bye" phone call with Marie there at the end.personally, i think they made it a long gun battle to leave us with a cliffhanger and to give gomee and/or hank a meaningful death. if the nazis just slaughtered them right off the bat then it sets a different tone for the ending of the episode.
Amazing episode minus that gunfight. Its like they kept all the drama out of the last one and packed it into this one.No, an AR-15 will not penetrate an engine block. Come on.
I thought the episode was amazing.
No, those of you who suddenly forgot what TV show you've been watching should be ashamed. Breaking Bad has never been afraid to stray from reality when the drama called for it. You don't stand up, walk out into a hallway and straighten your tie after having half your face blown off. You'd have better odds of winning the Powerball than pulling off that magnet-truck trick. The father of the girl Walt lets die just happens to be in a bar with him, and just happens to be an FAA air traffic controller that causes the accident over the city...yeah thats plausible in real life. Oh wait...fictional TV show...great drama!!!Yeah, come on. Those of you trying to excuse that ridiculous gunfight should be ashamed. An assault rifle at 20ish yards is not a fucking uzi. Not only is it gonna be pretty fucking hard for 6-7 guys firing at you at that distance to miss, Hank and Gomez don't even dive for cover, they return fire whileslowlymoving behind the damn truck. As if that's not bad enough, after they get to the truck, they are both exposing themselves to the continuing hail of bullets when they return fire, something trained law enforcement would never do. Not to mention, when Hank does stand up and expose himself to empty his clip at stationary targets, it looks like he doesn't land a single shot either. Bad scene was bad. It's ok to admit that to yourself, I promise.
Edit: Shit, my bad. Hank did actually land a shot. He totally killed the headlight of that truck.
That's the thing though. The way most of those other "implausible" scenes were shot enhanced the belief that it "could" have happened.No, those of you who suddenly forgot what TV show you've been watching should be ashamed. Breaking Bad has never been afraid to stray from reality when the drama called for it. You don't stand up, walk out into a hallway and straighten your tie after having half your face blown off. You'd have better odds of winning the Powerball than pulling off that magnet-truck trick. The father of the girl Walt lets die just happens to be in a bar with him, and just happens to be an FAA air traffic controller that causes the accident over the city...yeah thats plausible in real life. Oh wait...fictional TV show...great drama!!!