FPS noob
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what? That is EXACTLY walt, wildly overreacting to things and panicking constantly. He does have smart moments, but only when he has time to plan ahead (Gus bomb) but usually he is really shitty with his reactionary, spontaneous plans.Just confirms my feelings about losing their grip on being able to wrap this up correctly. Walter not acting like walter at all and just racing out to the desert like a fool, falling right into jesses trap.
That said, the nazis shooting like Imperial Stormtroopers was dumb. Hanks call to Marie was a little over the top "omg Hank is gonna die!" foreshadowing too. Yeah, I'm pretty sure Hank is gonna get away with Pinkman in Walts car and Gomie is gonna die (RIP GOMIE) but I still am not sure how its all gonna connect to Walt coming back with an M-80 gun or Heisenberg spray painted on his walls. I am holding out hope for the mexican cartel, because the Nazis are pretty weak so far.