Breaking Bad


Ssraeszha Raider
He left gray matter because relationship drama and his pride. I also don't think anybody was watching him on the rooftop at the end of season 4. That was just an internet rumor


Right, but he does talk to Saul who seems to have information. So it's not insane to thinkpartof the reason he's planning to go in there all Rambo. Hearing the guy you got really close to and sort of viewed as a son and saved repeatedly has been treated like an animal and tortured for 9 months because you wanted him to feel pain for a day or two, plus knowing you are going to die very soon no matter what,couldmake you want to help him. It's not cheap, it's not against character. Do people really think Walt is just evil now? His character made this long emotional and psychological journey to turn in to a caricature for the final 2 and a half hours of the series?

edit: Fuck it, I'm in NFL mode. Someone make a stupid 1 week pointless avatar bet with me on this=P If Walt goes in not knowing about Jesse, I'm the asshole. If part of the reason he goes Rambo is Jesse, whoever takes the bet is the asshole. Or everyone. Will add a week for each of you that takes it. If I'm right you all get it for 1 week. Sounds good to me.
I'm your huckleberry. It's not that I think he is too evil to care about Jesse. He is just done with that roller coaster. Jesse put this ball into motion.

Think about this. Walt hired the nazis and specifically told them Jesse is NOT a rat. It turns out he was and Jesse started a chain of events that culminated in the death of Hank. He isn't going in there to save Jesse. He might change his mind while there but he that will not be the purpose.


I watched the "next time" again for episode 15.

I really feel like Saul is telling him that the DEA is going to want to prosecute Skylar unless they have Walt or somebody else. I really feel that is why he goes after the Nazi's. I don't see how much clearer it can be.


Musty Nester
In hindsight... wtf was the whole German connection thing. It seems that entire bit was just used to introduce Lydia. That was something that they built up way higher than it needed to be and just went nowhere. They made a big deal about that and then never went back to it.


That was to get Lydia in there to get the meth out of ABQ so it is a non issue for Season 5.

Now Lydia is the way Walt gets the nazi's location which is one reason they had that creepy scene between her and meth damon in the warehouse.


Musty Nester
Yeah, i'm hardly raged about it. That's what I mean by entire subplots that leave you with that "remember this" vibe and then... nothing.

And then Uhura walks in and he gets his guts beamed INTO SPACE.


Why Walt left Gray Matter, who was spying Walt from the roof at the end of season 4 ?
do these things really matter?

If they start delving into all these little subplots it becomes the walking dead or those episodes in sopranos where it was AJ JANET or MRS SOPRANO and you wanted to rip your hair out.


FPS noob
don't forget that BB runs an extra 15 minutes this week and next. and don't read this thread until after episode airs, cuz some asshole will probably do something asshole-ish


Millie's Staff Member
Im one of those assholes. I comment here during the commercial breaks. As for lydia, maybe meth damon gets all rapey and ends up killing her and the guys are forced to sell Blue in the abq area, which makes the DEA think heisenberg is back and skyler is helping him. Saul contacts walt. Walt realizes pinkman is still alive and is now making his meth for the nazis, probably laughing at walt. Walt comes back to whup ass on those fuckers. Thats my prediction.


He left Gray Matter because he was caught dabbling in human cloning and was kicked out right before he perfected it and that is how we got Walt Jr.

This will be revealed during the last episode when we see that the Walt with the M60 is really a perfected clone.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Im one of those assholes. I comment here during the commercial breaks. As for lydia, maybe meth damon gets all rapey and ends up killing her and the guys are forced to sell Blue in the abq area, which makes the DEA think heisenberg is back and skyler is helping him. Saul contacts walt. Walt realizes pinkman is still alive and is now making his meth for the nazis, probably laughing at walt. Walt comes back to whup ass on those fuckers. Thats my prediction.
Not a bad theory.


Life's a Dream
At least 10 of those minutes will be commercials.
BB actually has less commercials than an average show. Typically an hour show is only 42 minutes. Every episode this season has been 46-47 minutes. So if you keep that in mind, only 22.5% of a BB show is commercials, so 75 minutes means we'll have roughly 58 minutes of show. I'm sure they charge more for the commercial breaks as a result, but I'm happy with more show.


Not a bad theory.
Absofucknglutely terrible theory.

Why can't people realize that this isn't the time to add new outlandish plots, this isn't a season finale it is a series finale. They aren't going to make all new shit up, they are tying up all the loose ends.


Someone on the IMDB boards proposed a theory that Gray Matter is a drug front and that it will all be revealed in the next two episodes. I just don't see how that's possible with two episodes left.


Someone on the IMDB boards proposed a theory that Gray Matter is a drug front and that it will all be revealed in the next two episodes. I just don't see how that's possible with two episodes left.
I think it will be revealed three episodes from now .... of course they said next two episodes they have nothing to lose