Breaking Bad


Unelected Mod
That would be an epic troll, to have him wake up and then head to the living room to get served veggie bacon by Skyler.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Or it could just end with an autistic Walt staring into a desert scene snow globe with light blue glitter for snow and Sklyar, Jesse, Saul, and Walt Jr ending up being members of the staff at the special needs home where he lives.


Ssraeszha Raider
It's all a Jacob's Ladder and the gun went off in the first season when he put it to his chin and pulled the trigger.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Or it could just end with an autistic Walt staring into a desert scene snow globe with light blue glitter for snow and Sklyar, Jesse, Saul, and Walt Jr ending up being members of the staff at the special needs home where he lives.
Walt wakes up in bed, turns on the lights, and exclaims, "Honey, wake up. You won't believe the dream I just had!" The woman next to him in bed sits up, revealing it to be Lois, who says, "Alright, Hal, what is it?" "I was a meth dealer in New Mexico!" "That settles it. No more Japanese food before you go to bed." "And I was married to this beautiful blonde." "What do you mean 'beautiful blonde'?" "Go to sleep, Lois... You know you, uh, really should be more of an insufferable bitch with no redeeming qualities."


Ahn'Qiraj Raider

Still from series finale
(yes it's the Gray Matter CEO couple's house).


Buzzfeed Editor
Spoiler that shit next time. Some people don't want the spoiler.

Interesting though.

guess I was very wrong.


Potato del Grande
Prediction: Kids and Marie are the only ones really innocent in all of this, thus I see them not dieing. Basically almost anyone who has had a hand in all of this is gonna die, with Walt going out at the end. He's gonna burn this mofo to the ground. Jesse wants to die, so he will get the opposite, he will live. Walt's actions from day 1, will be the undoing of his entire family. Walt will find and free Jesse. Jesse is the only family Walt has left. Jesse may become new Mike and send money to Brock. Walt isn't going to open up on Nazis with the big gun, that's too cliche. He will use his smarts to get in and kill Jack, etc. Uses rycin in a wine bottle or some gift and sends it to Gretchen and Elliot. Todd gets killed by Lydia as he gets too frisky/creepy for her or something. He gets some confused look on his face as he dies. The vacuum guy will follow through and send money to Holly/Walt Jr as they grow up or something.

Walt: Eats rycin turns himself in helps them find hanks body and dies
Jesse: Escapes and leaves, sending money randomly to Brock
Skylar: Gets killed by someone with the Nazi clan
Walt Jr: Lives with his friend

Marie: Takes care of Holly
Todd: Killed by Lydia
Lydia: Busted at the end
Jack: Killed by Walt
Gretchen: Poisoned by Walt
Elliot: Poisoned by Walt


Vyemm Raider
so hard dodging this thread, anyone know when the 2nd half of this season will show up on Netflix?


Buzzfeed Editor
I'll go ahead and lay it out here, Bondurant made a mistake and it was no big deal. No one else post spoilers please without tagging them. Action will be swift and furious for anyone who spoils Walt Jr's future breakfast scene.


Musty Nester
I would like the record to show that

My post pre-dates the screencap spoiler. Of course by itself one screencap means jack shit. It may be (and probably is) one short scene where Walt shows up and yells, "FUUUUUCK YOOOOUUU" at the house before heading over to murder nazi-town.


Trump's Staff
The subreddit for this show is pointing out so many filming subtleties that my admiration for this show and its writers keeps increasing with each episode. The cracks in the sand after Walter falls to cry referencing Ozymandias. The title of last ep. being synonymous with Gray Matter, and Skyler + lawyer wearing white with prosecuting lawyers wearing black, her scene mimicking Walter's when he finds out about cancer, etc. This show is fucking amazing and I don't want it to end