Breaking Bad


Life's a Dream
Walt left Gray Matter because Gretchen went with Elliot. Walt was fucking her, but she went for the other guy anyway. He was pissed and left. It's just a love triangle dispute, and his pride caused him to vacate the company.

But yeah, there is going to be some major hell to pay next week. Walt vs. Nazi's and (possibly) Walt vs. Gray Matter. However, I don't see it as being outright violence against them. Maybe he makes their big formula public knowledge, proving that he had a lot more invested in the company than helping to choose a name.

Hell, maybe that entire sub-plot is nothing at all. Maybe the next episode just centers on Walt vs. Nazi's, and gray matter is never mentioned again. I just don't know.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Closest prediction gets a custom colored title with whatever they want. My recommendation would be ablueheizenberg.
Walt: Dies from ricin at the spot where he first cooked with Jessie.
Jesse: Saves Walt by killing Todd. Escapes with some of Walt's stolen money and goes into hiding with Brock (or leaves some of the money with Brock and goes into hiding alone).
Skylar: Get's off without any blame. Uses some of Walt's money to re-open the car wash.
Walt Jr: Comes to terms with what his father did, helps his mother run the car wash.

Marie: Get's closer on Hank, nothing more shown.
Todd: Dies a horrible death.
Lydia: Gets killed by the European outfit (whatever the hell it is) when the Nazi operation is shut down.
Jack: Killed by Walt.
Gretchen: Nothing of note.
Elliot: Nothing of note.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Anyone else think the better call saul spinoff will be a sequel, and the announcement that it's a prequel is just bullshit?


FPS noob
spronk's prediction:
Walt: dead by ricin
Jesse: alive
Skylar: dead
Holly: alive
Walt Jr: alive and eating breakfast
Marie: alive
Todd: killed by Walt
Lydia: killed by Uncle Jack
Jack: killed by Walt
Gretchen: nothing
Elliot: doesn't appear


<Prior Amod>
the cdc has said ricin has been used to kill cancer cells

walt: dead by ricin, shawshank redemption like ending
jesse: has todd dead to rights, cannot kill again becomes emo, tod shoots brock for the lulz, now jesse can kill todd
skylar: is convicted of money laundering, the guy bill burr and the euridite beat up will testify against her
walt jr: fry cook at denny's where he meets the (un)dead walter white when a customer requests bacon and eggs with the bacon broken up to form "53" since walt lost an arm

marie: who cares
todd: killed by jessie
lydia: a loose end, the thing lydia hates will come back to kill her, it will be chow's secretary (shes the one that drove chow after mike shot him in the hand)
jack: happily spends his millions, uncharacteristically sun bathing in cancun, when punk kids see his tattoo's and set him on fire
gretchen: shot by the "hitmen" walt tried to find, in the head... the lone hitman happens to be david swimmer
elliot: nothing, gretchen is functionally alive even after loosing half her brain, he has to now take care of her.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I think that Marie is going to marry Walt Jr. and shave his head and force him to have sex with her while saying "Dammit Marie" over and over.

Because Marie is crazy.


<Prior Amod>
Anyone else think the better call saul spinoff will be a sequel, and the announcement that it's a prequel is just bullshit?
After last nights episode it BETTER be a sequal, it makes so much sense that it would be.

However he wont be known as Saul anymore and I can see him giving up law since he said he'd be lucky if he was managing a Cinnabon... so who knows


<Prior Amod>
Walt: Turns himself in so Skylar won't go to prison, takes ricin.
Jesse: Kills himself.
Skylar: See's little prison time if any at all, moves in with Marie eventually
Walt Jr/Holly: Move in with Marie, Walt Jr will still probably stay with his friend.

Nazis: Killed by Walt and Jesse
Todd: Killed by Jesse
Lydia: Lives

EDIT: For some reason, auto correct wants Holly to be Molly :/


Buzzfeed Editor
Walt left Gray Matter because Gretchen went with Elliot. Walt was fucking her, but she went for the other guy anyway. He was pissed and left. It's just a love triangle dispute, and his pride caused him to vacate the company..
There's nothing to intimate this, except the fact that gretchen ended up with Elliot. From what we KNOW in the story, Walt and Gretchen were together, and on a trip with her family--which seems to be "old money" (She referred to the vacation as "at my parents summer estate or something). Then, all of the sudden, Walt packs up and leaves--without telling Gretchen anything, and fire selling his end of the company for 5k.

I'm guessing two things: Family said Walt wasn't good enough to marry the daughter. OR Walt had fucked Skylar, and the family knew, and threatened Walt with revealing it.

But who knows. I know others have said this storyline doesn't matter, but for me, it's one of the most important in the show---And it doesn't seem like they will be wrapping it up, which sucks. I'd really like to see if Hiesenberg was intrinsic to Walter's personality...Or was it something built up by him constantly getting shit on, as we saw in Season 1; And so Hiesenberg would essentially be Michael Douglas from Falling Down.

Either way, still hoping he confronts Gray Matter in some way. I almost half expect that's what the Ricin is for (Not really, BUT might be possible.)


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Also, Jackie Brown Bail Bondsman dude is goddamn awesome.
Max Cherry.


Walt: Kills Lydia, poisons the Aryans with ricin. Turns himself in to keep Skylar out of prison. Let's DEA know where Hank and Steve's bodies are. Dies in jail before being tried.

Jesse: Is completely defeated with the death of Andrea and would rather die than go on helping the Aryans (who he knows will ultimately kill him anyway). He's experienced enough to know how to make the meth lab go /boom, killing both himself and Todd.

Skylar: Avoids jail. Never sees any of the millions that Walt made but receives some help once offered to Walt (see below).

Walt Jr: stays angry at Walt

Marie: plans funeral for Hank

Todd: killed by Jesse

Lydia: killed by Walt

Jack: poisoned by Walt

Gretchen and Elliot: Walt leaves word with Max Cherry to make an anonymous donation to their foundation with the money he left in the cabin (minus a nice cut for Max). Walt then contacts Gretchen and asks that they give the financial assistance they had offered him when he was diagnosed with cancer to his family after he is gone. Skylar goes to work for them at their new foundation.


Gretchen and Elliot: Walt leaves word with Max Cherry to make an anonymous donation to their foundation with the money he left in the cabin (minus a nice cut for Max). Walt then contacts Gretchen and asks that they give the financial assistance they had offered him when he was diagnosed with cancer to his family after he is gone. Skylar goes to work for them at their new foundation.
This is interesting, doubt it will happen but it should happen that way.


Toe Sucker
I'm trying to remember why Jesse cares so much about Brock and his mom but.. i can't.. seem.. to.. recall. This is bugging me


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>

Walt: Gets arrested
Jesse: Lives somewhere with the kid
Skylar: Lives like shit
Walt Jr: Dies from medical complication

Marie: becomes a whore
Todd: Killed by Jesse
Lydia: Disappears
Jack: Nothing
Gretchen: Nothing
Elliot: Nothing


Musty Nester
It's pretty much the same motivation as any Jesse motivation: because reasons

I do still like the Jesse character and I think he's well written. But it's not like he has deep motivations. Most stuff that Jesse does is just because (he feels like it).


Musty Nester
It's pretty much the same motivation as any Jesse motivation: because reasons

I do still like the Jesse character and I think he's well written. But it's not like he has deep motivations. Most stuff that Jesse does is just because (he feels like it).


Also, Jackie Brown Bail Bondsman dude is goddamn awesome. It's a shame he wasn't a bigger part of the show, but he absolutely killed his part in it.
Max Cherry.
And uncle Jack is an undercover cop who likes to fuck.




Just a Nurse
Jesse won't kill himself. He's going to take Brock and adopt him. Or use the guy that Walt used for new identification.