Butthurt white guys, an Asian virgin and an angry lesbian walk into a bar...


Tranny Chaser
Again, carry on! I'm loving this one-sided demasculation. It's both fiercely entertaining and delectably educational.


what Suineg set it to
How? You haven't actually brought ANY viable evidence of these biological assumptions. You also haven't brought any evidence that contradicts my argument. You've attacked the structure of my argument, which is fine, but yours is even shakier, and has no real overarching theory AND no real evidence.
Except that deepening gender divides in more egalitarian cultures is proof enough, statistically. Certainly they should see a difference fromrestrictedsocieties like some Muslim countries where youcannotdo certain things. Sociologists keep grabbing at straws to make up more and more obscure excuses for why it isn't innate gender preference based primarily upon biological imperative. You can't have it both ways - either culture DOES have an impact and more modern countries should see a statistically significant (though perhaps not perceptible) increase in traditional gender reversal in occupations and activities OR it DOES NOT and the modification of culture may at best correlate at times but has little or no causal impact on the macroscopic scale.

"Oh no it's not culture, duh, it's microagressions by cisgendered people asserting gender roles subconciously to children they encounter which shapes the kids perceptions of conscious choice to conform TO TRADITIONAL GENDER ROLES YOU ASSHAT!!!!! WHAT ARE YOU RETARDED????"


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Except that deepening gender divides in more egalitarian cultures is proof enough, statistically
How is it proof of biological influences that the more complex and advanced a society is, the more a certain behavior exists? You haven't even demonstrated that biology is one of your variables. It actually lends itself to social forces being more of a factor. 'Gender Oppression' or 'Patriarchy' or whatever is not the only social variable that could possibly be at play and I never once started that it was. You have pinned that argument to me and I've never once made it. But you haven't made a single actual biological connection.


Tranny Chaser
We don't know because our common ancestor was a monkey-lemur from a hundred million years ago. You have absolutely no idea what instincts were gained and what instincts were lost in the long fucking parade from monkey-lemur to human being and how that is the same or how it is different from the long fucking parade from monkey-lemur to contemporary chimpanzee.


Unelected Mod
B) You saying she's been getting everything wrong doesn't make it so. See: her stance actually being backed by scientific evidence and the opposition's stance being backed by nothing but "feels" (oh, the irony!).
Tanoomba, where are you getting this from? The documentary we have been discussing had some scientific studies (ie: science) saying nature was strong. When asked to respond to them, she said "feels" and said they contradicted science, no evidence presented. She then claimed that "the studies were wrong, they probably had bad R-values". Again, zero any reason to think so other than that they contradicted her "feels". Hell, right now, Im going to claim that all of Mist's studies have bad R-values. There, I have refuted all her science as much as she has refuted the documentary. I certainly have a far stronger background in statistics than she does, so I think I win at random accusations of bad math.

When asked to actually back up her opinion that these studies were wrong or misguided, she either resorted to attacks that made no sense. "Lol they were studies done on 1 year olds!" or "Its pointless to cite anything, since you can find studies that back anything up on the internet".

So really not sure where you think she is backing up anything with science here. She certainly hasn't shown it. What she HAS done in this thread is consistently attack colleges, college education and the institution she works at and then instantly tried to use her very own college education to give her stance credibility.


what Suineg set it to
How is it proof of biological influences that the more complex and advanced a society is, the more a certain behavior exists? You haven't even demonstrated that biology is one of your variables. It actually lends itself to social forces being more of a factor. 'Gender Oppression' or 'Patriarchy' or whatever is not the only social variable that could possibly be at play and I never once started that it was. You have pinned that argument to me and I've never once made it. But you haven't made a single actual biological connection.
And you haven't provided a single study regarding your mentorship bullshit. So I guess that means we're at an impasse.


Unelected Mod
I am sure there are studies that exist that show mentors have an effect. It would be silly to say they didn't. On the other hand, Mist has at various times tried to say that genetics has no different effect on the sexes, and I quote, because "males pass on their genes to both".Which is just flat out contradicted by all kinds of things.


what Suineg set it to
I am sure there are studies that exist that show mentors have an effect. It would be silly to say they didn't. On the other hand, Mist has at various times tried to say that genetics has no different effect on the sexes, and I quote, because "males pass on their genes to both".Which is just flat out contradicted by all kinds of things.
Yes but she is claiming it is a factor of singular importance. So presumably she has access to studies where significant external factors are controlled in activities or vocations except 'mentors' which show experimentally that it is a factor of prime importance.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
We don't know because our common ancestor was a monkey-lemur from a hundred million years ago. You have absolutely no idea what instincts were gained and what instincts were lost in the long fucking parade from monkey-lemur to human being and how that is the same or how it is different from the long fucking parade from monkey-lemur to contemporary chimpanzee.
This is an incredibly stupid line of argument and any anthropologist would tell you that you're a fucking moron.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Tanoomba, where are you getting this from? The documentary we have been discussing had some scientific studies (ie: science) saying nature was strong. When asked to respond to them, she said "feels" and said they contradicted science, no evidence presented. She then claimed that "the studies were wrong, they probably had bad R-values". Again, zero any reason to think so other than that they contradicted her "feels". Hell, right now, Im going to claim that all of Mist's studies have bad R-values. There, I have refuted all her science as much as she has refuted the documentary. I certainly have a far stronger background in statistics than she does, so I think I win at random accusations of bad math.

When asked to actually back up her opinion that these studies were wrong or misguided, she either resorted to attacks that made no sense. "Lol they were studies done on 1 year olds!" or "Its pointless to cite anything, since you can find studies that back anything up on the internet".

So really not sure where you think she is backing up anything with science here. She certainly hasn't shown it. What she HAS done in this thread is consistently attack colleges, college education and the institution she works at and then instantly tried to use her very own college education to give her stance credibility.
None of you has actually come up with a theory for how the results in the documentary demonstrate any kind of causal relationship at all.


Tranny Chaser
This is an incredibly stupid line of argument and any anthropologist would tell you that you're a fucking moron.
Yep, we know all about the instincts and behavior of all of the different species and sub-species between monkey-lemur and modern civilized human because we looked at another animal that hasn't been on the same evolutionary path as us for a hundred million years.

I get why we study chimps. It's the best we've got. But don't try and pass this shit off as anything other than best guesses.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Yep, we know all about the instincts and behavior of all of the different species and sub-species between monkey-lemur and modern civilized human because we looked at another animal that hasn't been on the same evolutionary path as us for a hundred million years.

I get why we study chimps. It's the best we've got. But don't try and pass this shit off as anything other than best guesses.
This is seriously like one step away from arguing with a creationist.


Unelected Mod
None of you has actually come up with a theory for how the results in the documentary demonstrate any kind of causal relationship at all.
Well, you could actually watch the documentary. Though given how you only want to dismiss anything it says, I'm not holding out hope.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Well, you could actually watch the documentary. Though given how you only want to dismiss anything it says, I'm not holding out hope.
I did watch it, and it's the very definition of correlational data. You have one guy saying "all SOCIETIES have this in common, therefore BIOLOGY" without actually pointing to a biological mechanism. And another guy saying "1-day old boys looked at this object funny a few percentage points more often than the girls did, therefore science, I mean biology."


Irenicus did nothing wrong
132 pages? Seriously? How many collective hours is that of you guys arguing about bullshit that makes absolutely no difference to anything anywhere.


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
This is an incredibly stupid line of argument and any anthropologist would tell you that you're a fucking moron.
Anthropologist have been historically been wrong plenty of times, just look at Unilineal evolution to see the extent of how wrong they have been.


Tanoomba, where are you getting this from? The documentary we have been discussing had some scientific studies (ie: science) saying nature was strong. When asked to respond to them, she said "feels" and said they contradicted science, no evidence presented. She then claimed that "the studies were wrong, they probably had bad R-values". Again, zero any reason to think so other than that they contradicted her "feels". Hell, right now, Im going to claim that all of Mist's studies have bad R-values. There, I have refuted all her science as much as she has refuted the documentary. I certainly have a far stronger background in statistics than she does, so I think I win at random accusations of bad math.

When asked to actually back up her opinion that these studies were wrong or misguided, she either resorted to attacks that made no sense. "Lol they were studies done on 1 year olds!" or "Its pointless to cite anything, since you can find studies that back anything up on the internet".

So really not sure where you think she is backing up anything with science here. She certainly hasn't shown it. What she HAS done in this thread is consistently attack colleges, college education and the institution she works at and then instantly tried to use her very own college education to give her stance credibility.
You skipped what I consider to be the most important argument Mist made, and the reason why she's the only one using science to back up her stance. Come on, I'm sure you can remember it if you try.