Butthurt white guys, an Asian virgin and an angry lesbian walk into a bar...

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Except the evidence in your 'great documentary' is one study about what object a fucking 1-day-old looked at funny, and the other one is a study showing parallels across other cultures and saying that because something is parallel across cultures it must be biological, which is just a fucking ridiculous assumption. The phrase correlation does not imply causation needs to be rammed into the guy's head with a god damn mallet. He did not show any actual biological evidence yet he makes such a ridiculous claim.
I didnt have a documentary. Are you confusing me with someone?


Musty Nester
That guy can go fuck himself. Older women are sexy.
They sure as shit can be. What they might have lost to gravity they have gained in experience.

Older women know stuff man.

They'lldostuff. Stuff that you wouldn't even think to ask no matter how much german porn you watch.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I didnt have a documentary. Are you confusing me with someone?
The documentary this whole conversation has been about. I'm just pointing out how retarded their arguments are, and the rest of you have helped make my case for me.


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
We have no real way of knowing what instincts pre-civilization humans had, or evolutionary-link era humanoids. But we do know what instincts other primates have, so I pointed to primate instincts that have gone extinct or been drastically altered via the evolution of language, which was your original question.
My question was always human instincts, which u failed to provide an actual answer. So now that you have asserted that we have no way of knowing what instincts were there, would you like to revise your own statement that instincts were been overwritten or lost due to society?

protip.. This is your chance to correct your argument due to the acknowledgement of a lack of supporting evidence. That is how since works.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
My question was always human instincts, which u failed to provide an actual answer. So now that you have asserted that we have no way of knowing what instincts were there, would you like to revise your own statement that instincts were been overwritten or lost due to society?

protip.. This is your chance to correct your argument due to the acknowledgement of a lack of supporting evidence. That is how since works.
You realize it doesn't make the opposing argument any stronger either so it's at best a complete fucking wash, but you CAN extrapolate by taking instincts and behaviors shared by all other modern primates and comparing them to human instincts and behaviors. I mean neuroscientists and anthropologists and evolutionary psychologists and evolutionary biologists do this all the time.


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
Don't blame me for the chimp in your armor. It doesn't matter that it doesn't make the other argument better or worse. The point was that you asserted something impossible to know as a matter of fact, and I called you out on it.


Tranny Chaser
You weakening your own position by revealing the critically flawed assumptions at the foundation of your arguments actually does make the opposing argument stronger.


Tranny Chaser
I personally don't care about the particulars of whatever opposition argument Mist feels like she's refuting. I'm trying to hit home that the very nature of this kind of research requires a great deal of assumptions to even get started. I'm not willing to accept the idea that we can say much if anything that is intelligent about the instincts and behavior of a monkey-lemur that existed millions of years ago because we can observe chimpanzees today and that we can then take those observations and make claims about the evolutionary trajectory of other species that had a divergent path (the not-quite primates, the cavemen, the early humans, and the recent yet uncivilized humans) over tens of millions of years.

If we had some per-civilization humans to observe, and some cavemen to observe, and some not-quite primates to observe, then it would be very valuable to see who gained or lost what instincts and what behavior at what times. We can't do any of that and to pretend we can by looking at a species we haven't been on the same course as for a hundred million years is the height of absurdity.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
You weakening your own position by revealing the critically flawed assumptions at the foundation of your arguments actually does make the opposing argument stronger.
How? You haven't actually brought ANY viable evidence of these biological assumptions. You also haven't brought any evidence that contradicts my argument. You've attacked the structure of my argument, which is fine, but yours is even shakier, and has no real overarching theory AND no real evidence.


Tranny Chaser
We have no real way of knowing what instincts pre-civilization humans had, or evolutionary-link era humanoids.
But we do know what instincts the primates we evolved from had.
Here is what you need to do. You need to take every single piece of research that has started with assumption that we know what the instincts of the monkey-lemur ancestor we share with chimpanzees are because we can observe chimpanzees and stop acting like it's not just the current best guesses of a social science (also known as "not a real science").

It's interesting, chimpanzees are the best we've got to work with, but this isn't what you think it all is.


And people wonder why women are under represented in science.

This is why.
And... you lose. Everything.

Never mind the fact that Mist is literally the only person in this entire conversation to use science to back up her stance. Never mind that she makes claims that are both easier to grasp and better backed up by everything we've learned about humanity up to this point. The fact that you need to pull out a "girls will be girls" claim to defend your side means that you havenothing. You've lost and you know you've lost.

Don't get me wrong, you'll all keep pretending. You'll keep patting each other's backs and sucking each other's dicks, but it's getting more and more pathetic by the second. If you, for a second, evendaredto actually follow the tenets you claim to defend, you'd realize you'd have no choice but to acknowledge Mist has been balls-on accurate about virtually everything she's said. That's not gonna happen, though. You're going to keep creating an imaginary villain to stake your claim against, you're going to keep making up arguments Mist never actually made in order to contradict them... Basically, you're going to do everything in your power to avoid acknowledging that some lesbian you've never met has a better grasp of the human condition than you do. It's entirely understandable and undeniably predictable, but there it is.

Carry on, gents... it's a good show...


Tranny Chaser
It doesn't count as using science to back up your stance when you just say "science says" or "science has proven" like you are quoting from the New Testament.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
bunch of faggotry
your white knighting has been adorable but she wont even be your friend, you'll need to find a new maiden.

this is aside from the fact that she been getting everything wrong in this thread much like you.


It doesn't count as using science to back up your stance when you just say "science says" or "science has proven" like you are quoting from the New Testament.
Agree completely. But when science actuallyDOESback up everything Mist says, well what do you do then?


Musty Nester
This is really basic, and that's why its so infuriating. Science is not an appeal to authority.

She's not citing science. She's citing philosophical thought, even scientific philosophical thought. And that's valid. That's not science. That's what comesbeforescience.

Phenomena --> Consideration --> Experiment --> Insight --> Validation --> Phenomena

Left to yourselves you guys WOULD create a Cult.


your white knighting has been adorable but she wont even be your friend, you'll need to find a new maiden.

this is aside from the fact that she been getting everything wrong in this thread much like you.
A) She's had me on "ignore" since ages ago. I'm OK with this. It doesn't change the fact that she's right. (Believe it or not, there are reasons besides "trying to impress someone" to defend a particular point of view.)
B) You saying she's been getting everything wrong doesn't make it so. See: her stance actually being backed by scientific evidence and the opposition's stance being backed by nothing but "feels" (oh, the irony!).

Again, carry on! I'm loving this one-sided demasculation. It's both fiercely entertaining and delectably educational.