Butthurt white guys, an Asian virgin and an angry lesbian walk into a bar...

Jive Turkey

So, socially driven. Got it. Unless you're really going to explain how boys are biologically predisposed to interact with images projected on screens.

My point was that boys played more video games because video game designers designed games for boys. Once there started to be more gender-neutral games for mobile platforms, girls (actually older women) started playing video games in larger numbers.

There actually used to be a higher percentage of women in computer science in the 80s than there have been in the past decade. In the 80s, exposure to computers was limited to people who had access to computers in office settings, and women were more likely to have access to computers due to working as secretaries. Again, social structures.
Where did I say socially driven? Videogames have inherent spacial/mapping/hand-eye coordination traits. And besides, even if the early games were designed with boys in mind, it's because the early adopters of computing were the same ones interested in building things, tinkering, engineering. And don't give me that crap about only people in offices had access to computers. I grew up in the 80s. Vic 20s were quite popular in the early 80s. I pressed many a play on tape. Vic 20, Atari, Commodore 64. We played those all the time


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Secretaries didn't have computers in the 80's. They had IBM Selectrics
Didn't mean they were more likely to have access to computers than men. But a lot of women in computer science in the 80s did first get experience with computers while doing office work. That's part of why "In the United States, the number of women represented in undergraduate computer science education and the white-collar information technology workforce peaked in the mid-1980s." Or are you going to argue that in the 80s, women were biologically different than they are now?

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
I recommend 5 inches of dick, 3 times a week, to cure you of your learned homosexuality, Mist


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Didn't mean they were more likely to have access to computers than men. But a lot of women in computer science in the 80s did first get experience with computers while doing office work. That's part of why "In the United States, the number of women represented in undergraduate computer science education and the white-collar information technology workforce peaked in the mid-1980s." Or are you going to argue that in the 80s, women were biologically different than they are now?
No I'm just challenging your assertion that they got experience on computers due to being secretaries. Which is utter bullshit, virtually nobody had a computer on their desk in the 80's much less secretaries. There definitely were more women in computers in the 80's (this is a fact I agree with, I looked it up!) but I don't know why. And I'm not the one making shit up to try to substantiate my position. Like how secretaries got computer experience in the 80's.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Does nothing to refute that men could be conditioned via operant conditioning to get pleasure from acquiring territory.
Perhaps you should cite a study or source that finds that to be the case, to the exclusion of ALL biological possibilities. Your source should specifically refute EVERY possibility aside from your specific idea. If it doesn't, I guess its completely useless shitty science.


Tranny Chaser
So I check back in a few days later and she's gotten even assholes like fanaskin to start reading abstracts from research papers from Standard and shit. Her initial position that there was this universal agreement among researchers in the fields of psychology, sociology, and neuroscience has been worn down to "WELL IT COULD BE."

Great, that's all I was ever shooting for. This isn't all on lock down and anyone acting as though that is the case is grossly misrepresenting the situation.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
So I check back in a few days later and she's gotten even assholes like fanaskin to start reading abstracts from research papers from Standard and shit. Her initial position that there was this universal agreement among researchers in the fields of psychology, sociology, and neuroscience has been worn down to "WELL IT COULD BE."
You should go look up my initial position since I just reposted it in the last page.


Tranny Chaser
You should go look up my initial position since I just reposted it in the last page.
Your initial position was that everyone in science was in agreement and we were fools for disagreeing with things science had already proven.

I started this whole ball of shit if you remember.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Your initial position was that everyone in science was in agreement and we were fools for disagreeing with things science had already proven.

I started this whole ball of shit if you remember.
Your forum title should be Strawman Erection Specialist.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
I grew up in the 80s as well and I had my own personal computer to fuck around with at that time. Granted my fucking calculator has more processing power and memory than that thing did now, but most of my male pals had some form of home personal computer, be it the C64, TI99/4a, Apple2e, or (shudder) TRS-80. Don't make up anecdotal bullshit to support your ridiculous stance Mist, especially when arguing about a period where you didn't even exist. Stick to what you are good at, i.e. linking unrelated articles and hating other people for enjoying themselves.

And while we are on the topic of anecdotal evidence, my wife's sister (2 years her junior) who grew up in a mega religious household is gay. Same upbringing, nearly same age, same environment, but slightly different genetics IN AN ENVIRONMENT THAT DISCOURAGED IT and she knew she was gay by age 8. She also thinks you are retarded and giving other lesbians a bad name (synopsis, the entire rant is not worth repeating as it is ad hominem attack) by pushing this whole genetics don't mean shit stupidity. So, to recap, an older liberal, atheist, lesbian, from a Christian family, and also a SJW, thinks your retardation is making things worse for other gay women.

Edit: And here comes Tanoomba with this gem:
I studied how the brain learns.
Avoiding the obvious comedy of that statement for the moment, the translation here is "I googled for some random article that I think supports my assertion." Did you even read the fucking article? Its conclusion was that behavior likely comes from BOTH SOURCES. Notice that no one here is ruling out environment as a possible source of behavior, just you and Dikey McTruckasaurus claiming that genetics has zero impact on behavior, which is demonstrably false in every single higher species on the planet, including our own. But hell no, you dug for one snippet of an article in your "study of how the brain learns" and quoted the out of context part, then declared victory without even bothering to read the entire thing and reflect on it. Clearly you need to study some more, because its clear that knowledge is simply incapable of penetrating that big floppy vagina brain of yours.

Jive Turkey

"Male brains, however, showed much greater activation, and the amount of activation was correlated with how much territory they gained. (This wasn't the case with women.)"

Does nothing to refute that men could be conditioned via operant conditioning to get pleasure from acquiring territory.
I thought data from fMRI studies was bullshit because "areas that heat up more" ... something about computers..... ?


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I didn't say it was complete bullshit, but I do feel its dumb to say its conclusive of anything.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Don't make up anecdotal bullshit to support your ridiculous stance Mist, especially when arguing about a period where you didn't even exist. Stick to what you are good at, i.e. linking unrelated articles and hating other people for enjoying themselves.
Extended Color Basic on the TRS-80 Color Computer was my first programming language. I had it down from the attic just the other day when I was installing a new ventilation fan + duct above the bathroom. It's got the fucking tape drive, 32k and everything but the damn modem. Zaxxon only takes like 15 minutes to load from the tape! So shut the fuck up.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
I think I now know why you are so bitter. If your childhood computer was a Trash 80, I would be a bitter cunt too.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I cannot get over how active this terrible thread is. You guys need to "go out and have a nice weekend" extra hard this weekend.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Did you guys know that this is the 6th most popular thread in Screenshots?


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Popularity would really be ranked by views, so this is 12th most popular.