That's a whole lot of words for someone who doesn't understand the difference between 'not enough evidence to proceed' and 'false accusation.' Also arguing a ton of things I didn't actually say, as usual.
That's a very few words for someone that wants to take a very complex situation and turn it into "ugh, you guys bad, me good!" Also, bullshit, you CLEARLY outlined your problem.
Problem: A significant number of women still feel, despite the fact that rape incidents are down, that the system itself is stacked against them if the do get raped. A significant number of parents think their children are being sent into unsafe environments on college campuses. This is such a large problem specifically because the world HAS become so much safer, because of how safe young people are, they're not being prepared for the fact that there are people out there who are going to want to hurt them. Every year, college kids are being sent off less mature in this, and many other regards, than the year before.
The whole wanting more sex thing didn't come up until later, and while you tried to make the conversation about that, most of us, if not all of us, didn't want to have a suggestive argument where the base of assumption of women having a huge risk inline with the current hysteria, and having to calculate all of our actions FROM there, when the obvious solution is to end the hysteria and THEN calculate our options. HENCE that long post about the presumption of innocence. A sex contract defaults men into the position of being guilty unless they obtain proof; it requires the
baseassumption that the problem is so bad that men should need some kind of licensing to have sex. We didn't move beyond that, even if you did.
I ask this hypothetical because what I get out of this whole discussion is most of you believe, explicitly or implicitly, that the rising fear/cost/risk for young men of engaging in sex is turning young men away from wanting to engage in sex. But that fear/cost/risk calculation is the very same one that women havealwayshad to deal with, which has got to be a large contributor to why women are generally less interested in sex than men are.
This is game theory. There's got to be some kind of Nash Equilibrium between the fear/cost/risk of male sexuality and the fear/cost/risk of female sexuality that would lead to men actually gettingmoresex.
The fear of being accused of rape is probably only a small consideration. It's not that, totally or even in a large way, which is having the rate of sexual activity plummet, I believe. You seem to think men have always been immune to risk in these situations, that's also a faulty assumption. Men have
ALWAYSdone a risk analysis with women, and that's because it's very easy, and has been since the middle ages, for a woman to
ruinyour life due to a sexual liaison. Now, I'm not saying the risk hasn't been greater with women, it most certainly has been greater for women but, that doesn't mean it hasn't existed in droves for men. History has always been posited on the most powerful men, and the biggest assholes--but in reality, for 99% of the "normal" guys out there? Pregnancy or even the accusation of impropriety with a woman could mean everything from forced marriage to a severe beating from the family of the woman. Sex for "joe average" has always been a risky affair.
This is the reality for the *normal* men of history. Sex with the wrong woman meant you were fucked. This reality has existed, ironically, up until the sexual revolution. But even then, sticking your dick in crazy is a risk analysis for men. Not just because she can accuse you of rape, but because she can ruin your reputation with all sorts of crazy accusations, stalk you without repercussion in most cases, be physically violent and actually have others laugh at it, embarrass you at social functions also without said repercussions, destroy your shit (Car, clothes, general property--again, all often with no repercussion except for an empathic shrug from a cop as every man silently acknowledges this is the risk if you play the crazy game) and last but not least? Accuse you of being an asshole by doing many of these things
aftershe does them, and if she was subtle
at all? Generally have people sympathize with her. (Ask and I bet most men on this board have had to deal with this on some level, its WHY most of us have this huge grain of salt with this narrative that women never cry rape falsely--we've all confronted the crazy, and it's fucking
Now, NONE of this is saying women have not had it worse. I fully believe they have. For a boat load of reasons, the risk was always higher for women, not the least of which is pregnancy innately just being far more risky for women. The reason I'm describing the above is to illustrate that risk has always been an assessment, and I don't believe the risk increase is the primary factor turning men away. I actually think the rates of plummeting sexuality among young men is strictly due to more and more options for obtaining moderate sexual relief in other forms. Yeah, porn isn't as good as sex, not by half...but it's certainly a lot better than a woman who expects the world to be delivered, and her every emotional need fulfilled, for sex once a week. In addition, having to rely less on men for other things, subsequently also reduces the value of what men can offer for a relationship, which in your game theory, decreases reward for them because they have lower expectations (If they are rationally calculating their odds). In your game theory, this
plummetsthe value of the reward to the point that a lot of the matrices end up now becoming net
negatives. The future is going to require women, if they want a relationship, to stop take into account the decreased value of sex; and take into account that without the primary provider role? Or men are going to have to whip up some value resources to replace the value of being a primary provider. I'm not sure if I see either of those things happening.
Otherwise, on with the research into robotic sex slaves. You know it's coming, and then we can finally end this thing called civilization.