Men don't play with toys.
Have a piece of art, or maybe a fishing rod or gun rack behind you.
I don't even know what the hell those goddamn things cost, and if I had a guests are probably what 20 bucks a piece, but you are a complete and utter faggot for stocking a bookshelf with multitudes of them, when the bookshelf should honestly just have books.
The point I'm making is I don't understand how somebody like that can actually make a living being a complete and utter weirdo that doesn't know how to change change a tire or start a fire. I mean I kind of understand why because there are a bunch of retards out there watching and giving them that platform and making them money.
Hey, I'm weird and as Goofy as this retarded person, I'm going to make Bank on making you upset on whatever meaningless topic regarding Marvel or Star Wars or whatever dumb shit is beneficial from a monetary standpoint. Can't leave out those stupid video games! After all why would you play a video game when you can just watch somebody else play it and then talk retarded stuff the entire time!
Sorry the stuff isn't directed at you but I just hate the whole industry whether it be niche that is somehow manifested over years of stupid social media and twitch. Twitch probably being one of the biggest culprits, but it's just insane. None of these people actually know how to craft or make anything other than just a live streaming which even doesn't require any sort of editing which is a skill.
I just know when the asteroid or the civil War or whatever happens, regular people will be boiling their bones for soup...