The plot of the series follows a framework storyline in which the U.S. government passes a Superhero Registration Act ostensibly designed to have superpowered characters act under official regulation, somewhat akin to police officers. However, those opposed to the act, led by Captain America, find themselves in conflict with those that support the act, led by Iron Man, with Spider-Man caught in the middle; the X-Men take a neutral stance. The superheroes in support of the law, led by Iron Man, Dr. Reed Richards and Ms. Marvel, increasingly become authoritarian. In the aftermath of the war, Captain America surrenders and is imprisoned. The events of the series touch upon themes of liberty, moral responsibility, and civil order, with well-intentioned superhero characters finding themselves upon different sides and allegories for real-life events and discussions. The series received polarizing reviews but was a commercial success. The series is the basis for the upcoming 2016 Marvel Studios film Captain America: Civil War, which likewise will feature Captain America and Iron Man in opposition to each other.[2]