That's a silly argument the whole way around. The media can manipulate anything they want to when it comes to the Avengers ,and the people in that world.
We have no clue what the average person thinks of the Avengers because the movies are entirely shot through the Marvel Heroes eyes.
The few times they do interact with the public a woman who's child died casts blame on Tony Stark? No matter what would have happened, Accords , or not that scenario goes down the same way...
No, it's not, I never said a thing about media manipulation--I'm going by an incredibly accurate representation of events if the media was able to report every public event with no bias. You're right, with the static of media and manipulation, it would be a lot worse (As I said earlier, people are dumb.)
But even going by JUST what we saw in the films.
1.) There is precious little evidence Tony was manipulated. Any reasonable person who had no information from the comics would believe he created Ultron due to his own insecurities. And so the Avengers created Ultron.
2.) Scarlet Witch, while also created by the mind stone, has been a force for good and not nearly as powerful as Ultron was. As a Comic Book reader you may realize that one day she MIGHT be stronger, but going from just what happened in world? No. So an Evil nazi organization creates 2 good people, while the Avengers create a much more powerful evil super AI?
3.) As a movie watcher, if I didn't know Crossbones? I would have guessed those were simply terrorists stealing a biological agent. The head terrorist had some tech which let him punch really hard. Whatever else you're extrapolating is based off of a lot of intimate knowledge and some comic book knowledge, even with no media manipulation or signal loss, it's easy to understand why the even the Secretary of State described the Avengers as a U.S. private paramilitary organization that enters foreign borders (And fights terrorists).
To argue against any of these points, you need to use information no one within the movie would have outside of direct participants (And even then, it's obvious some agree with the above)...Or a lot of supposition. Any reasonable person should absolutely be leery of what the Avengers represent. Even if you think they are a force for good, they obviously have A LOT of power and use it where they see fit. We don't let any other institution do that without a ton of checks against them.
Crossbones has always been Hydra... He's specifically stealing a Super Serum to continue that research.
That isn't what a terror network does...
Shield is still in existence, just underground. Cap gets his intel from Shield.
Again, YOU know this because you are an omniscience viewer. You go deep into the bowels of these organizations and see how its all made. I'm sure the CIA has a lot of good reasons for dropping JDAMs on family weddings to kill terrorists too, it does not mean people don't call for that organization to be put into check. What we KNOW, is that the Avengers have done some scary shit. They are powerful enough to easily kill millions, and there is no authority over them. Even the President of the United States has more checks on his power than the Avengers do and he's democratically elected by the consensus of usually, at least, 10's of millions. Who elected Tony?
Does anyone really believe it is unreasonable for people in that universe to think the Avengers need a check system? I mean, really?