We see him manipulated when he picks up Loki's staff at the start of the film....
By scarlet witch. Only enhancing his own insecurities. And again, manipulated..This is like saying 'the U.S. government was manipulated into launching a nuclear strike'. How do you think that would go over? Even if it were clearly true...Wouldn't you still question why something like that could happen? Wouldn't you believe more checks and security were needed after such a colossal fuck up? The fact is tony COULD do this, and no one was there to stop him because he has no checks--that is the problem, even if you believe he was manipulated THAT issue doesn't go away, why can ONE MAN cause so much harm with no one being able to put the brakes on him? Again, even the president doesn't have that power and it requires millions of people to put him in office.."
"Oh hey guys, we almost caused human extinction because of our obscene power, our bad...it was because of some manipulation in our organization. Pay no mind, kk thanks bye!"
lol, come on...hah.
Over half of the film Scarlet Witch is playing for the bad guys. It's only when she sees that Ultron is going to wipe everything out that she turns sides. We still don't know her full motivation even now.
Wrong the Avengers created one powerful AI, and one Super Powerful AI with the mind gem. Which is who Ultron fell too, and yet Vision still lives. Hmmm
Scarlet witch feels like she is justified in her opposition of Stark, she could make a case of her being a 'good guy' since she's only ever known bombs from the 'good guys'. She can make this case (Even if you could say she was wrong) because she wasn't trying to end humanity.You're comparing apples to bowling balls here--Ultron was an extinction event. Scarlet Witch was someone looking to grind down the Avengers because of how her family died due to the work of one avenger.
I have no idea of the distinction you're trying to make with the two AI's thing...Because they created a second AI, does it somehow stop the original AI from infecting the world, going on a global terrorist rampage, attempting to activate nuclear weapons and end humanity, lifting up a city to cause an extinction level events and killing hundreds of people along the way? If not, why bring up the second AI, this is, again, terrible logic--doing a good thing doesn't stop the bad thing from happening. It would be like you murdering someone in cold blood, straight up murder, then going out and murdering a guy who was about to hurt an innocent person and saying "I learned to murder that first innocent guy and it gave me the skills to protect that chick! So it makes my first murder okay!".
Once it was revealed to the audience who Crossbones was the audience already knows hes hydra from the Winter Soldier Movie, and that Super Serum vial has been shown more then once in the Movies, and both TV shows.
The AUDIENCE. Be a PERSON in the world. Again, we can fudge it say the media in this world is REALLY good and you're VERY educated in all this. But you're asking for knowledge from a clandestine organization, about a SINGLE agent of thousands, and then asking for people to understand his motivations as he steals from ANOTHER SECRET organization.
Even IF we knew that, nothing in Winter Soldier OR this movie should lead anyone to believe he is enhanced. Nearly every non-comic nerd I watched it with thought he was former hydra who now ran his own little terrorist thing after being driven underground from the last film. YOU extrapolate more than that because you read comics. I assure you, no one else does. (Hell, most people don't even know that is crossbones.)
If this existed in real life you should be afraid. Once that first Evolved Human is on the earth you my friend are obsolete, and we all know what mother nature does to the obsolete.
Most people in the film are not evolved humans, they are made by science. Rodgers can be recreated, and has been, apparently, multiple times. Iron Man's armor can go on anyone. The fear doesn't come from JUST personal insecurity, it also comes from people having enormous power without it being checked, again, even the most powerful forces on our world are checked--and those are democratically chosen.
In both TV shows, and Movies we have never seen any Avenger, or Shield go against any terror organizations that weren't Hydra. That info is out there..
Anything else the Avengers have stopped have been Gods, and Monsters.
Hydra is a terrorist organization, dude. They are some neo-nazis. The most threatening they ever did (In modern times) was when the
parent organization of the Avengers, Shield,was used--again, who should we be more afraid of? Hydra...Or the Avengers, which again, if you count SHIELD as part of the Avengers (You said they still give Cap his intel) then it was
shield who made Hydra a threat at all.(Without shield, Hydra could never have done what it did)
So you have an organization again which the Avengers re-birthed through Shield, which now the Avengers go after violating national borders...Again, do you think this would fly? The U.S. has gotten enormous shit for hunting people down who are horrific people, and our agents are often sanctioned secretly by the countries we go into. You don't believe a private organization, hunting down another organization they helped create (In the modern era), with no oversights or sanction to operate in foreign nations? Would cause people to say 'whoa there a minute'? Really?
In the end I don't even disagree with you on a theoretical level, the Avengers are for sure the good guys, but its VERY easy for me to sympathize with people that have their assholes puckered about this. These people have tremendous power, and twice now that power has been used to shit on people (Hydra hijacking shield, Ultron). If the U.S. kept losing control of its nukes, but always managed to 'save the day' at the last second, and only kill a few hundred people? Yeah, id' start to question what right they have to keep nukes. Why aren't you holding the Avengers to this standard when they are pretty clearly more dangerous than a nuke?