privileged excrementlord
- 5,851
- 6,336
This was a damn good joke, astroit is if you plan on seeing this with your wife and her kids.
- 4
This was a damn good joke, astroit is if you plan on seeing this with your wife and her kids.
I probably should have gotten in trouble for sexual harassment AT WORK many times for things I've said and done. You know why I haven't? I have a vagina. It's a double standard and most women only see the one side that makes them the victim. Lots of actors/actresses end up together because they worked a film together. Brie Larson was offended by the guy's social status approaching her. She doesn't fight for equality, she fights for her own supremacy.In what world would it be considered appropriate, let alone professional, for an on-the-clock TSA agent to hit on the people he's there to protect? This isn't "Girl flips out after guy asks for number", this is "Incredibly unprofessional authority figure hits on chick while on the clock, OF COURSE she's uncomfortable".
I vote that anybody who admits seeing this movie in theater be given a special gender traitor avatar for no less than two months.
her issue wasn't with the TSA agent being unprofessional. if it was, she would have led with that. her issue is that forward men make her uncomfortable. she complained IMMEDIATELY about being uncomfortable and being put in an uncomfortable position without her consent.
in theory that makes sense. as human beings we SHOULD take into account the impact that our actions have on those around us. in practice; however, that falls apart pretty quickly if you are the only person trying to be conscientious of how other people feel. brie CLEARLY doesn't care how other people feel.
B-Biscuit is right. The cunt was just mad this dude was below her class. If it had been Bradley Cooper or some other rich fag, she would be soaking wet.Or maybe this was just a man taking the one shot he may ever have in this lifetime at this celebrity chick. Maybe people who seek fame shouldn’t be cunts once they achieve it.
Was it unprofessional? Yes.
Could he get reprimanded for it? Yes
Could he lose his job for it? Maybe
However if he landed this ho would it have been work the risk? In his mind maybe.
If we lived in the ideal hateful cunt SJW world there would be no relationships or mating. As everyone would be so afraid to interact with the opposite sex. if she found the TSA person attractive or not beneath her in career status this would be a nonstory.
B-Biscuit is right. The cunt was just mad this dude was below her class. If it had been Bradley Cooper or some other rich fag, she would be soaking wet.
assuming this story was even true, the risk of getting in trouble adds to the spice of asking a hollywood princess out.Exactly it goes back to the basic rules of the internet
1. Be attractive
2. Don’t be unattractive
Those rules can take a situation form flattering to creepy in Nanoseconds.
Sadly ugly dudes gotta get some pussy too. So they have to take those shots when they see the opportunity.
assuming this story was even true, the risk of getting in trouble adds to the spice of asking a hollywood princess out.
Looks like I'll have to get one then.I vote that anybody who admits seeing this movie in theater be given a special gender traitor avatar for no less than two months.
I probably should have gotten in trouble for sexual harassment AT WORK many times for things I've said and done. You know why I haven't? I have a vagina. It's a double standard and most women only see the one side that makes them the victim. Lots of actors/actresses end up together because they worked a film together. Brie Larson was offended by the guy's social status approaching her. She doesn't fight for equality, she fights for her own supremacy.
P.S. met my current boyfriend of three yearspharmakos at work.
I completely agree with this statement. Especially the flaming garbage at the bottom.Reminds me of the time I was asked to take off my shirt during a work off-site where we were playing volleyball... I'm having a hard time thinking how I would have responded if the woman had been the least bit attractive. Probably would have responded a little less offended, but still wouldn't have done anything because a) married, b) I'm an adult at a work sponsored event.
I'm sure this movie is going to be decent/average, but the SJW surrounding it, like the BLM and African tribesmen at the theater during Black Panther, will likely ruin the experience. Why can't I just see a movie because it's simply good? The characters are good, the story is good, the action is good, the acting is good... Nah, it has a "powerful woman" at the lead that they're pushing so heavily that I should watch it because "girl power". Dude, fuck right the fuck off. I only ever cared about Captain Marvel because she was sexily drawn, not because she was interesting or had any depth to the character. She's a knock off Green Lantern/Supergirl hybrid without the nuance that makes those two characters interesting.
Brie Larson using this as a box to voice her retarded ideals just makes me dislike the actor, a lot like Mark Ruffalo, that fucking weasiling ignorant lefty dickbag - fortunately I'm good at ignoring their real life commentary if the character is portrayed well and the movie itself is good. Black Panther was a highlight of Civil War. BP himself was fine, unfortunately his movie was just flaming, native tribes level of garbage.