

Silver Baronet of the Realm
I liked the pilot of blindspot but Im already about over it. Both are Formulaic but Fillion was able to hold it up and had help from Kate, Ryan, Esposito. I originally though blindspot was going to be more like a scifi but its just a blacklist ripoff without having Spader to save it. I dont follow Blacklist either but when im forced too its somewhat bearable


French Madman
Yeah, like seriously.



Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
We're getting a lot of Alexis so far this season, which is a good thing. Her eyes are just amazing.

On the other hand the Beckett angle they are doing sucks, it just fucking horrible. If they drag it all season long it's gonna kill the show.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
I don't care for this split and it seems to really be tanking the ratings. I guess the part two was a ratings low for the show.


Trakanon Raider
We're getting a lot of Alexis so far this season, which is a good thing. Her eyes are just amazing.

On the other hand the Beckett angle they are doing sucks, it just fucking horrible. If they drag it all season long it's gonna kill the show.
Do yourself a favor - skip the show and just hit up pornhub, youporn, etc. for Samantha Rone instead.


A Mod Real Quick
Do yourself a favor - skip the show and just hit up pornhub, youporn, etc. for Samantha Rone instead.
Thank you for this.

I don't find Alexis particularly attractive (I wouldn't turn her down bros), and I find her character way too annoying - so I can use this to hate masturbate.


Vyemm Raider
Monday's episode imo was the best one of the season. returns in 3 weeks (rerun of once upon a time in the west(honeymoon episode)) then cma countdown in between

then the order of episodes so far has been (in order of then they filmed )1 2 4 3 5 the next three are 8 6 7
titles for the upcoming episodes:

episode 8 "Cool Boys" is the episode with adam baldwin reprising his role as detective slaughter
episode 6 is "the last seduction"
episode 7 is "Mr and Mrs Castle"


Maximum Derek
<Bronze Donator>
Ryan and Espo stuff seemed a bit off to me this week for some reason. The goofiness of their story was right on, it just did not seem to flow quite right. Still fun. Castle an the nose lady were great. I agree it was the best episode of the season so far. The show as a whole needs to get it's groove back though IMO.


Vyemm Raider
i agree the idiocy of loksat or whatever is a detriment to the enjoyment of the show for me personally, it was an ok show last night, although i despise how they are portraying castle for the most part- for the first 3+ seasons he was suave, debonaire, cocky, playful, past couple of seasons, more bumbling, silly, comedic- i prefer the older style of castle.

i saw a comment about character development for the series in general and this past episode particularly that i agree with

in this ONE episode, they developed SLAUGHTER'S character more than they have for any OTHER secondary character in the show besides the core 4 beckett, castle, martha, alexis(martha and alexis due to them showing castle at home for the first 4+ seasons).

lets take the other "chars" outside of those 4

Lanie - rarely see her besides the crime scene - liver temp or lividity -generally- never a secondary stories that continues more than 1-2 minutes in an episode(was the final breakup/parents episode last year but that was maybe 5 minutes total of airtime) - (the espo romance thing barely) no character development at all for the past - oh 4 seasons.
no romances, problems, issues, etc etc etc. she shows up does her dead person spiel- and MIGHT get 30 seconds more in the episode.

ryan- except for that one episode last year- barely any char dev on screen - except for a couple of comments- never see him at home, never see his wife or child, etc etc (btw his wife-jenny- on the show is his IRL wife) his biggest
char develop stuff these past 2 years...having to take a second job at a night club to get more money- and failing the sgt test which was not mentioned this episode (possibly due to the last episode being written and filmed AFTER last nights episode)

espo--char development, what char development- besides breaking up with lanie- nothing outside of work- and besides taking the sgt test- and passing 2 episodes ago nothing at all.

there is so much more they could do with the characters of the show- and they don't.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I don't think people minded that much before about the poor character development of the secondary characters because the show was about Castle and Beckett and their relationship and development...and that was awesome before.

Now that it pretty much sucks, the other shortcoming of the show are more apparent.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I always loved ryan and Esposito and even their goofy personalities went away it seemed like.


Vyemm Raider
YEAH Good episode- they resolve the idiotic locksat/separation and keep this quality of episode- i called the killer but honestly thought that she would have been a red herring in the episode- and it would be good going forward.

the only glaring "incongruity" for the last 3 episodes is the espo/ryan drama.. which IF they had released the episodes in order of filming, would have been fine, because their "fight" would have naturally flowed episode to episode from "the nose" episode to the last seduction, with it all being resolved and gone in cool boys- but the order airing went nose/cool boys/seduction.

oh yeah-they just announced a REVISED Castle airing Schedule- there will be NOT be a 10 week long break for the winter like most of the other ABC shows, just a 5 week break. "winter finale" next week, then Monday jan 4th 2nd half of season kicks off-most other ABC shows are not coming back until february.


French Madman
YEAH Good episode- they resolve the idiotic locksat/separation
Lenardo, watching episodes and mixing them with with his own fanfics.

They didn't resolve it at all. As they said, it was just a break in their break, and they are not back together. This shit is gonna keep on going. At this point, Castle should be asking himself if his wife is fucking shyzo, being all "I need, time, i miss you, but we can't be together, but do you still think there is hope for us?"

God damn stupid shit writing.