while i liked both initial episodes, i WANTED bracken to be wrong. kate does not need to leave castle to get her head on straight, she needs to go WITH Castle and See Burke(Worf) together for therapy.
other nitpicks...alexis is too good at...Everything now, better at research/PI business than dad, better at tech stuff than tori/ryan etc.
the english lady is now a regular on the show, so is that tech guy beckett saved.
that said, i liked the initial 2 episodes. will continue to watch the "reboot" to see if they can get back to the atmosphere of season 3-4 and be a happy married couple- TPTB have said that they are going to have a bit of "serialization" to what happened throughout the next several episodes, even with the standard case of the week, so at least they were listening to that, since last season rick's case was first 2 episodes then ESSENTIALLY nothing for the next 18 episodes...