Civilization V: Brave New World


The ai is still atrocious in BNW sadly... Doesnt matter if they send 20 units vs my 3, I'm always going to win because they send units blindly to be slaughtered with no tactics whatsoever. This is what makes me stop playing everytime I pick it back up, it makes the game unbearable. This is on diety, if that makes a difference which I imagine it doesnt. They reallllllllly just need to hire an ai expert or two... Can't even play maps with oceans because the ai is even worst when it comes to water.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Yeah that's my main problem with Civ 5. The AI is terrible and multiplayer mechanics are almost humorously broken.


Like how hard it is to code "if unit below 50% hp and within range of enemy city, how about i'm smart enough to retreat a tile and heal while the rest keep sieging"...


Two play throughs and both times I have yet to be able to found a religion. It seems they are gobbled up way too soon.

I used to have to build troops up just to counter Bismark or Caesar, but now it seems most of the AI players are too tame. This is on Prince setting, I guess I could up it more but I really hate the penalties early on in higher settings. The best change by far were the Barbarians. It cracks me up when they go crazy and head straight for my luxury resources.

I need to try some different trees, instead of military -> commerce -> order, which I did my first two playthroughs. I think I'll try to go for a cultural win my third time through. I just picked up Fallen Enchantress last night, so I'm hoping it has a bit different combat and strategy than Civ V.


Depending on how many turns it takes for me to build a worker after having built the monument as my first act of the game, I will fill up the social policies of the first grouping (if it takes 18 turns to build a worker after my monument is built on standard speed), or the second grouping of social policies in a specific order if it takes fewer turns than that. If the second path I will take the extra worker first followed by the golden age with 33% less of an increase in policy cost, then the extra production social policy followed by the extra settler, and finally the great person (I usually choose engineer).


I haven't played the multiplayer but when I play single player it's always with fast movement and fast combat checked so things don't get slow slow and bogged down. It also used to take a lot longer to load up the game after you had chosen your civ and what not.


Registered Hutt
Perhaps there's some mods that fix pacing some?
Pacing in Civ 5 is terribad. There is a mod I enjoyed before, but it's being refreshed for the xpac atm. It's called Communitas or CEP (community expansion pack). The last expansion's version was called GEM iirc, if you want to roll back to G&K and play it fully formed. The version for this expansion is devoid of like 90% of the intended content though while they try to build on the new foundation rather than just supplant the old one. Also apparently the mod author has a massive hate for how Firaxis codes the game and is considering re-writing the tourism yield at some ridiculous basic level in the future. I've never tried my hand modding Civ 5, so it's all greek to me.
Like how hard it is to code "if unit below 50% hp and within range of enemy city, how about i'm smart enough to retreat a tile and heal while the rest keep sieging"...
I see this happening when playing G&K especially when the AI uses units who can move after attacking like knights or tanks
but then they place their weak artillery units in front of their army instead of the back and become easy prey so idk


I've had this game since it first came out, and rarely ever played it. Just never felt balanced right, even with the first xpac.

This second xpac though has really, in my opinion, fixed the game and made it much more playable.

Don't ask me to explain my perceptions of it being disbalanced, I can't, it just previous Civ versions (I really liked Civ 3 personally and wasn't as taken with 4) but this new expansion really makes it feel right somehow. I've been enjoying it the past few days and playing it way more than I have in the past couple years its been out.
Call to Power was the fucking bomb dude


I see this happening when playing G&K especially when the AI uses units who can move after attacking like knights or tanks
but then they place their weak artillery units in front of their army instead of the back and become easy prey so idk
All the ranged units just stay there at like 10% hp when they could retreat to makes surviving sieges SO take em out and the melee kills itself in your city... Just feels like I could win with 5 units vs ai 20 units any day of the week on any difficulty... Underwhelming

Ko Dokomo_sl

It really takes many, many tries for me to find the game settings that I actually enjoy playing. Usually, the concept of having two large continents with the other nations being split evenly on those continents was great, so I first conquer my half and then set sail for the other was fun. However, in previous civ games, this goal always fell way short of success because of the HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE transport method for units. Transporting an army of 20 units across a large ocean was the worst pain in the ass I've ever experienced in a Civ game.

Was that shit fixed?
Actually this was kinda fixed, in that you can airlift into a beachhead city that you take out with your navy.

Ko Dokomo_sl

I'm talking about newly discovered ruins, I walk on them but no reward message pops. I just get some culture, I noticed that now.

Another thing that bugs me about the new culture victory is that it seems flat out impossible before you get the end tier technologies that skyrocket your tourism output. With the utopia thing, it was possible to culture win somewhat earlier.
One thing I just noticed in my recent playthrough is the importance of grabbing artifacts with your archaeologists. Then you need to take those art/ifacts and place them in certain combos in the museum to get a theme bonus. This boosted my tourism by a ton in the early modern era. Now that I know about the themeing combo I'll focus hard on the early wonders that have 2+ lots for great works.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Actually this was kinda fixed, in that you can airlift into a beachhead city that you take out with your navy.
So you have to get through 80% of the tech tree before it gets fixed? Not much of a fix if you want to war before the modern era

as for the notebook thing, modern i3 with 4gb RAM and Intel HD runs it fine on low details at 1366xwhatever resolution.


Registered Hutt
I love the airport, but I hate that the AI doesn't seem to understand it. Automated workers certainly don't. They embark from one continent to travel past two others to improve a new colony of mine that I rushed an airport in so I could send my small manual crew of workers to improve the aluminum and luxuries. Embark speed should just get a series of +1>s in the atomic and information era so they don't take forever to move around. A modern age national wonder (weather center?) for lighthouses that gives you +100% embark speed would be fantastic. It's especially terrible on any map larger than standard as the moves don't scale up.

I wish that civ 5 had corporations. Those were pretty cool, and a good way to sink resources late game. I generally have like 200+ iron/oil going unused in my late game. I make trade deal after trade deal to sell the stuff off for gold per turn to the AI, and sometimes just give the stuff away to the enemy of my enemy.

Paratroopers are the sex now for late game harassment. That pillage = healing trick you can do now is win for their survivability. I drop them in and run around shitting on their strategic/luxury resources and road connections before I send anyone else in. Some die, but the damage done puts your enemy into happiness and resource lacking penalties that makes their troops weak as shit. XCOMs are OP though. They should require a resource. Maybe a special resource only provided by buildings ala recycling center but something new. Yea, they're a joke crossover unit, but they could have put a bit more thought into it. At least the GDR takes uranium.
well but the GDR is equally stupid too, it doesn't seem to have any movement penalties on any terrain, deals more damage on wounded units and you can attack cities without really having to soften them up first with your artillery or bombers
at least Nukes are as powerful as you expect them to be


Registered Hutt
Yea, I don't build either of them. I need to just mod them out since I've seen XCOM barbarians. At least they can't jump as barbs.

I finally had an AI use paratroopers against me with some effect yesterday on emperor difficulty. He pillaged a road linking 4 inland cities (my fault for lack of redundancy) that shut down the railroad production bonus to my tank factory. I smiled at the lucky strike since the AI doesn't actually seem to understand such weak points. And I overcame my OCD for efficient application of railroads and built two failsafes to that part of the rail network.

It was a rather surprising war. He was not undone by my alpha strike as civs generally are. He had bombers taking out my destroyers and a couple tanks that made my paratroopers get bloody. What should have taken 5 turns took 12.