Civilization V: Brave New World


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So I finally caved and upgraded my Civilarrrrsation V to a Steam copy and now can access the mod db.

I got myself a no-warmonger mod, what simple mods are you playing with?


Trakanon Raider
So I finally caved and upgraded my Civilarrrrsation V to a Steam copy and now can access the mod db.

I got myself a no-warmonger mod, what simple mods are you playing with?
There is one that is called Faster Aircraft Animations. 2x the movement speed of planes.

Do you have the gods and kings expansion? I just tried a mod for the baldurs gate universe, Faerun I think it is called. It was good, but the world size is a bit big. New units and such that fit the setting. Same thing for the Mod of Ice and Fire, which gives you the ability to play with the characters from Game of Thrones in a game you set up yourself, and also gives you a few scenarios where you play as set characters on GoT tailored maps. I started a new game on a custom world with Daenerys and she starts with 3 dragons that can mature and level up 3 times (elder dragons I think). Not finished a game, but seems to work.

There is also one that I liked that scales down the unit sizes. R.E.D. modpack. Where you get lots of tiny people moving instead of a few that are as tall as the mountain you move them on.


Musty Nester
I don't remember the name of it specifically, but there was a colored+non-historial religions mod that I liked.

My austrian empire spreading the purple word of cthulu among the "cattle states" was pretty leet.

There was also a really good GUI upgrade. Just simple ass stuff like making the status bar up top not completely suck, and showing tile yields / potentials with alt+hover. No idea if that's compatible though.


Registered Hutt
Yea, I used to have a baller UI mod that showed surplus luxuries and shit in the header.

Is there still a way to set a city to infinitely produce a specific unit in a city? Or promote all units of a given type at once? I did that stuff in civ 3 or 4 I'm pretty sure. I get to the airplane period and I'm just pumping out bombers and tanks. Shit gets old.


FPS noob
some fun mods are

game of thrones (turns the world into Westeros, wont advance past medieval age, rulers are named after GoT ppl)
mass effect civs (adds like 15 civs based on ME races, like salarian batarian etc)
in game editor (when you're drunk can do stupid shit like create a fighter plane that just zooms around on turn 1, turn off most of the time though its hella cheating)


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Is there an easy way to get the mods? I got the game during the Steam sale and would love the GoT mod. Also, are there any cheats or anything?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Doesn't the mod browser that opens steam work for you?

I've never seen such a trivial mod installation as it is here


Trakanon Raider
Is there an easy way to get the mods? I got the game during the Steam sale and would love the GoT mod. Also, are there any cheats or anything?
You just hit "subscribe" on the mod. If you get a collection, there is a button slightly above the very first mod that will be on the list that says "subscribe to all". The mods will be activated when you run the game, and click mods. It will collect and install the mods for you that you are subscribed to, letting you pick which ones you wish to activate for the game. When you wish to uninstall a mod, just unsubscribe.

Some mods are specified as savegame safe, meaning you can implement them in a previous save. This mainly goes for the smaller mods.

As to The Game of Thrones mod, there are two popular ones that I am aware of. One called Game of Thrones and one a "Mod of Ice and Fire". I believe the latter is the most supported and constantly updated one. But might as well get them both to see if they have different scenarios. I only tried the Mod of Ice and Fire one. At the top of the current most reccomended collections is A Song of Ice and Fire collection featuring it + a few others. It includes the "cheat" of always getting exp from barbarians.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Been playing with Venice. They don't make settlers, you get merchants that annex city states. Good thing is you get to expand with zero repercussions. Bad news is that they they don't expand territory past what a city state normally would. Bonus is that you take away delegates from everyone.

Soon as you annex a city state you pretty much be prepared to dump troops there. Great news is that you get twice as many trade routes as normal. I'm rich biatch!

I still don't understand tourism, anyone have a quick rundown?


Been playing with Venice. They don't make settlers, you get merchants that annex city states. Good thing is you get to expand with zero repercussions. Bad news is that they they don't expand territory past what a city state normally would. Bonus is that you take away delegates from everyone.

Soon as you annex a city state you pretty much be prepared to dump troops there. Great news is that you get twice as many trade routes as normal. I'm rich biatch!

I still don't understand tourism, anyone have a quick rundown?
Tourism = Offensive culture. Normal Culture = Defensive culture. You want your Offensive Culture (tourism) to overpower their defensive (and this can be changed with modifiers from techs and policies) until you become Influential with them. I consider it the hardest victory if someone adopts an opposing ideology to you (-to how your tourism affects you) and super ez-mode if everyone has your ideology.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Anyone looking to do some multi-player sometime this week? I just got it from the Steam sale and haven't played Civ5 at all yet -- though I'm a grizzled Civ3-4 veteran.

Add me on Steam if you're interested!

Ko Dokomo_sl

Been playing with Venice. They don't make settlers, you get merchants that annex city states. Good thing is you get to expand with zero repercussions. Bad news is that they they don't expand territory past what a city state normally would. Bonus is that you take away delegates from everyone.

Soon as you annex a city state you pretty much be prepared to dump troops there. Great news is that you get twice as many trade routes as normal. I'm rich biatch!

I still don't understand tourism, anyone have a quick rundown?
See above post. Boost tourism in several ways. Get Open Borders; get a trade route with the civ; get the same ideology; send a diplomat to them. Your tourism will rise fast once you can build hotels and airports. When you send out archaeologists to get artifacts for your museum, move them around to make sets for bonus points. Trade for the stuff you need to make sets. Make sure you grab the applicable cultural wonders. If all else fails, once you hit late game tech you can double your tourism.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I've played a couple of games now, it's a shame the hallmark of Civ remains the horrible AI. I'm playing a basically unit-free game to whatever victory will happen and it's really not very satisfying how little the AI does in the big picture to win itself or prevent others from winning. They're horrible at microing their armies, they're probably not even coded to understand the victory conditions. A few games ago, oooh you're just one player short (me) of winning a culture victory? Let's have open borders!

It's not very satisfying to win anything other than a domination victory right now because there's no one trying to stop you.

In my game from yesterday, I'm just a few turns away from starting Apollo and it took that long for someone to declare war on me. Shaka at least tried, but he also had to deal with the city state next to my empire, which basically stopped his assault for so long that I could build up 4 artillery units and just destroy his entire army from a distance - he also failed to take the city state with his 5 cannons and 15 riflemen.

I'd like to raise the difficulty even more (I play on Prince) but the early game is so painful with the AI beating you to every wonder due to their cheat production and their start technology advantage. I'd really like to have their excessive aggressiveness of the higher difficulty tiers and unit production cheating without dealing with their excessive start bias. I like smooth starts and the game becoming progressively harder, but with Civ it's the other way around.


Registered Hutt
Yea, the AI is just ridiculous. It's hard to figure out the right balance of handicapping yourself just to play a compelling game. Fortunately for me, Europa Universalis 4 comes out in a few weeks. Paradox has their own faults regarding AI, but it's hard to be worse than Civ.
I've played a couple of games now, it's a shame the hallmark of Civ remains the horrible AI. I'm playing a basically unit-free game to whatever victory will happen and it's really not very satisfying how little the AI does in the big picture to win itself or prevent others from winning. They're horrible at microing their armies, they're probably not even coded to understand the victory conditions. A few games ago, oooh you're just one player short (me) of winning a culture victory? Let's have open borders!

It's not very satisfying to win anything other than a domination victory right now because there's no one trying to stop you.

In my game from yesterday, I'm just a few turns away from starting Apollo and it took that long for someone to declare war on me. Shaka at least tried, but he also had to deal with the city state next to my empire, which basically stopped his assault for so long that I could build up 4 artillery units and just destroy his entire army from a distance - he also failed to take the city state with his 5 cannons and 15 riflemen.

I'd like to raise the difficulty even more (I play on Prince) but the early game is so painful with the AI beating you to every wonder due to their cheat production and their start technology advantage. I'd really like to have their excessive aggressiveness of the higher difficulty tiers and unit production cheating without dealing with their excessive start bias. I like smooth starts and the game becoming progressively harder, but with Civ it's the other way around.
pretty much the only reason they could come up with to make the AI somewhat "challenging" in the higher difficulty settings is by giving themany advantagesyou could think of but otherwise the AI on Immortal just plays the same as on Warlord when it comes down to strategy and tactics


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
pretty much the only reason they could come up with to make the AI somewhat "challenging" in the higher difficulty settings is by giving themany advantagesyou could think of but otherwise the AI on Immortal just plays the same as on Warlord when it comes down to strategy and tactics
I know the AI is the same in all the levels, I'd just like to have a game on prince difficulty with everything as it is on prince but with the AI spawning combat units at immortal / diety levels so I can set up a game where I have aggressive leaders only as opponents so I actually have to defend myself as I go for one of the peaceful victories.

Prince right now means I can have a smooth start but the rest of the game is fucking boring. I'm simply not enjoying the super gimped starts you have on Emperor and higher. I don't see why the AI needs to have such a tremendous head start on you, it needs to be more powerful in the mid to late game.

I can set up so many different things in the advanced set up game menu, but for some reason I can't adjust the difficulty beyond 1 to 8.


Registered Hutt
Late game easiness, early game difficulty is a running theme in all kinds of games. It's frustrating. It makes the climax (end-game) boring because your god-like existence cannot possibly be stopped.

It doesn't help in games like Civ 5 that you gradually get bogged down in irrelevant minutiae as in either turn 1 or turn 1000 you have to decide what your city is building today. I don't know why they took the governor system out (automate cities) that made late-game more bearable before. I hate annexing cities when I go to war because I enjoy the puppet status of my conquests. There need to be tools for delegating so that by time you get to 20 cities rather than 2, you can become more macro and leave the micro to the AI.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm trying multiplayer now, but it's really not playable with a turn taking a minute from the start.

I don't know if that was specific to my game, but barbarians spawning and having an action in the same round really hurt me as I lost my initial warrior on turn 10 to that -.-


turn on quick combat and quick movement. The game makes every unit move at the normal speed even if no human sees them, which is what usualy casues down the extremely slow turns. Takes less than 10 seconds on a huge map filled when those are both turned on.

I don't understand why game companies that make games which are foremost single player like civ 5 dont hire more ai experts and concentrate on that area instead of making a big 3d cutscene. It is the backbone of their game and probably the most important aspect. It's why I never played the original much past the initial "everything is shiny" phase and why I probably wont play this much either past the new shiny phase.