College Football 2015-16


Potato del Grande
The Ol' Ball Coach is either retiring mid-season due to health issues or the fact that he gives zero fucks.

I like how the UF QB went with the "tainted over the counter supplements" excuse. The 40 lbs of lean muscle mass in the off-season was legit guys, I just bought some bad supps from GNC a couple weeks ago. Apparently another side effect of steroids is that they make you fucking retarded.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I was always under the impression OBC never gave any fucks. My guess is on that, he's had enough, doesn't owe anyone a damn thing, and is out.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yea, this makes perfect sense, OBC just has no fucks to give and golf season only has a month or two left.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
He's resigning and not retiring. May coach high school lol.

Basically said he's a liability now, all recruits want to know how much longer he was going to coach.


Molten Core Raider
Number of 11 win seasons pre Spurrier - 0. After Spurrier - 3.
To be fair though, up until the 1990s you only had 11 games in a season, so winning 11 would have required South Carolina to go completely undefeated(and probably win a national title) which they never had done.

Nowadays, you can drop 2-3 games and still win 11 (Mizzou has gone 11-3 multiple times in recent years, with conference title games and bowls)

11 wins in 1970 is like 14 wins today

That being said, South Carolina was historically one of the worst teams in the ACC/SEC until Spurrier got there. In their entire history they only even had one 10-win season, one 9-win season(Lou Holtz) and only a handful of 8-win seasons.

South Carolina pre-Spurrier: 500-507 49.6% win
South Carolina under Steve: 84-45 65% win(as of end of 2014)

He's easily the best coach they've ever had, but even he couldn't get them to an SEC title(but he did win the East once), much less anywhere near a national title. Spurrier never had less than 2 losses heading into bowl season


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Guess we don't know if the flag was for a "shove" or if the Bama dude said something in earshot of the ref, but yes... that guy can can eat a frozen bag of dicks.

As an Iowa fan, and him being a former player at Iowa, I'm ashamed at his behavior since leaving the Big Ten.
He's done nothing but write checks his 500 lb body can't cash and the locals are getting restless. Every week he does something to further embarrass Arkansas whether by running his mouth and making comments before the game or by the way the football team performs. Was totally willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and it is more fun to live here and go out on weekends when Arkansas isn't losing. But it may be time for them to start figuring some things out. Their AD didn't even bat an eye to fire Petrino after he slept with the blonde. Almost surprised Bert is getting as much leeway as he is.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I think we are going to lose to Baylor by eleventy thousand points. I think the line was like -19, or some shit when it came out, I'd be all over that. But I guess that's why we play the games, we do seem to play Baylor tougher than a lot of teams so who knows.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Baylor also hasn't played anybody with even a trace of a pulse. They might be really good but there is nothing proving that yet. Their defense is really bad.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
A guy posted on the LSU forum that he and some friends were coming to the LSU game this weekend for the first time, they're from OH and IL. He wanted to know about the open container laws LOL.

Never even thought about it. I can't imagine even asking. He caught a lot of shit.