Picasso you should post this in the other thread
Which one?
Picasso you should post this in the other thread
The nets tell me its something to do with some windows update? Other threads I read say to unplug all peripherals from USB slots and shit to get it to load but this did not work on his.
Are there any good tools for windows password recovery? My Mother in law is coming over tonight because she forgot her password. I don't know what OS it has, but I'm sure it's windows 7 or newer. I used to have a password reset disk, but that was back in the NT/95 days.
I had a former employer who asked me to get in to a vista machine that belonged to his uncle when he died, and I think what I did work on 7 as well. You use a windows recovery disc to get a command prompt and use that to overwrite one of the accessibility programs that will run on the login screen with cmd.exe. Reboot and get a command prompt at the login screen by trying to use the accessibility program and from there and you can get admin and reset the password for any user. A little googling should show you the exact procedure.
Dollars to donuts capslock is on. Most people over 50 are password reusers. You can also use ophcrack and crack the password in a few minutes.
i before e, except after creciever