<Gold Donor>
Have no idea but state is shut down until 28th, Governor order.What's the significance of waiting until that date?
Have no idea but state is shut down until 28th, Governor order.What's the significance of waiting until that date?
Today is the day CT starts its first phase of re-opening. They hadn't really updated the plan until a few days ago and I started to look closer at it last night.
We have a pretty decent data portal which also outlines the plan here:
COVID-19 2023 Update – Ending of the Public Health Emergency
With the nationally declared Public Health Emergency ending on May 11, the Connecticut Department of Public Health has announced the State’s COVID-19 recovery plans and next steps. Please visit for ongoing updates. If you still can't find an answer to your question, please
Essentially almost nothing is allowed to re-open yet and most of what is re-opening has a set of strict "sector rules". These rules usually involve outdoor only and/or maximum of 50% capacity with spacing requirements. There also doesn't seem to be much rhyme or reason as to what is and what is not allowed to re-open and phase 2 doesn't begin until June 20th. For instance malls are allowed to re-open but hair salons are not. Retail stores are allowed to re-open but gyms are not. And it's an entire month for the first phase...
You'll also notice an interactive bar graph with confirmed cases and coronavirus related death counts. CT has the third highest per capita death rate in the country behind only NY and NJ and our death rate is heavily skewed to the 60+ range with the vast majority of deaths being 80+... just like everywhere else on earth. But we are waiting an entire month in between phases for... who knows why.
I would not equate gyms to storesIf gyms aren't safe nothing that has crowds of people indoors are safe. Ya know... like malls and retail stores.
Also, not every gym is an LA Fitness flesh herd.
Kids are in stores. Kids aren't in gyms. Kids are disgusting disease vectors.Why's that?
People touch more of the same stuff in a grocery store without wiping it down themselves than they do in a gym. Does COVID-19 spread via sweat?
Kids are in stores. Kids aren't in gyms. Kids are disgusting disease vectors.
Why's that?
People touch more of the same stuff in a grocery store without wiping it down themselves than they do in a gym. Does COVID-19 spread via sweat?
Kids shouldn't be in stores either outside of people that can't have someone watch their kids. But that's just me. See plenty of families shopping right now. People in gyms are disgusting.Kids are in stores. Kids aren't in gyms. Kids are disgusting disease vectors.
What does a hollywood home gym look like?One of the best things to come from this was me upgrading the home gym. No need for ear pods or giving a shit about my noise level or re-racking.
Kinda ghetto actually. I'm on a hill house so I had this huge empty "basement/crawl space" at the lowest level that I basically just turned into a treated concrete storage room that has turned into my gym. I can't do jump squats or burpees because I hit the support beams but I can carefully manage a clean and press (carefully). Its cold and dark and I am waging a constant battle against brown widows. But I can blast Pennywise and hose the entire place down at the end so I got that going for me which is nice.What does a hollywood home gym look like?
People everywhere are disgusting noodle. You're kidding yourself if you think a gym is somehow inherently more gross than a mall or a Target. In fact, gyms tend to use way more disinfectant than retail stores do.
The opening plans and phases across states really don't make much sense if you dig into them with any logic or reason.
They should give out tracking numbers when people are admitted so the family can at least get updates and alerts as to what the fuck is going on.
Load of HIPAA problems with this, I imagine.