CPR / First Aid Online Certification


Ssraeszha Raider
There's really not much to either. Cpr = push fast and hard. First aid is basically bleeding control and how to put on a triangular bandage. Neither are exactly rocket science. Outside of a hospital/ems an online course would be sufficient for most people.


Poet Warrior
I've been a paramedic for 8 years. I've never heard of anyone taking any of the required certs online. It's always a physical class no matter where we all go.


Ssraeszha Raider
You can do the classroom portion online, but you still have to do the skills portion with an actual instructor. That's AHA anyways, don't know about Red Cross or any of the other organizations


Musty Nester
Push fast and hard... yeah, basically. I've done the course a couple of times. Heheh, the guy who runs them likes to say, "If you didn't break a rib you probably did it wrong".

Lots of young women take the class. You've got to convince them that they're not going to beat a man deader with CPR. Is his thinking, at least.


I agree with most of the above posters, just signup at the local community college or hospital for a quick refresher course. Its only 2 hour and 20ish bucks. Plus, it lets your prospective employer know that you're taking this shit seriously.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I would definitely not feel secure performing first aid / cpr on someone from just watching a video. And I'd feel doubly insecure about it being performed on me.

It's one thing if you just need a cert and don't really care about knowing the information, just when someone is fucked up don't clear the crowd and say, "STAND BACK! I know first aid from the university of pheonix!"
Regarding CPR, I swear I've read that it's basically useless. Like, even among paramedics, it's only like a 5% success rate or something. Bottom line, don't worry about the person giving it to you, because they probably aren't helping anyway.

First aid, however, is a different story. Although I don't know how big a difference online versus in person would really make.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Regarding CPR, I swear I've read that it's basically useless. Like, even among paramedics, it's only like a 5% success rate or something. Bottom line, don't worry about the person giving it to you, because they probably aren't helping anyway.

First aid, however, is a different story. Although I don't know how big a difference online versus in person would really make.
Paramedics don't perform CPR because they have access to advanced equipment, defibrillators in particular. While CPR is capable of restoring a normal heartbeat or at least a shockable heartbeat, the point of CPR is to keep blood circulating, preventing brain and organ damage from lack of oxygenated blood. Training/confidence with the use of an AED is much more important than CPR training, since every minute that passes without a shock dramatically increases the chance of death, in the case of a shockable rhythm.


Musty Nester
Oh, by itself it is basically useless. It's intended to minimize systemic damage and prolong the opportunity for treatment. By itself its a desperate stopgap.

"Don't die on me, you son of a bitch! The ambulance is on the way!". That's really all its for. And for that, it works fairly well.


Ssraeszha Raider
So much terrible information. CPR works the vast majority of the time. The person coughs once or twice then gets up and is fine.

Defibrillators only work on the very last desperate attempt after people tell you it's over and they're not coming back


The Big Mod
So much terrible information. CPR works the vast majority of the time. The person coughs once or twice then gets up and is fine.

Defibrillators only work on the very last desperate attempt after people tell you it's over and they're not coming back


Mr. Poopybutthole
So much terrible information. CPR works the vast majority of the time. The person coughs once or twice then gets up and is fine.

Defibrillators only work on the very last desperate attempt after people tell you it's over and they're not coming back
Not sure if trolling or just stupid. Defibrillators don't pull someone out of asystole like they do on TV shows. Defibrillators shock the heart out of an irregular rhythm like v-fib or v-tach back into a regular sinus rhythm. AEDs work remarkably well and can easily be the difference between life and death in a cardiac episode, which is why you see AEDs mounted on walls more and more often these days. At O'hare Airport there is nowhere in the entire terminal where you're more than ~100 feet from an AED.


Tranny Chaser
Shit, we do BLS+AED, 8 hour hands on course as a prerequisite for drivers licenses in Denmark. Depending on healthcare function, ALS, PBLS, PALS and NBLS courses are pretty basic here.

BLS+AED for laymen in the field works - provided paramedics can take over. No one recovers by AED alone from a shockable pulse (VF or pulseless VT). It's the 30:2 CPR:breath that keeps you alive while the heart slowly catches on after a successful shock and starts pumping on its own - It takes time. As for non-shockable rhythms, it's obviously the 30:2 CPR:breath that keeps you alive.

ERC European Resuscitation Council

Online CPR? Hilarious.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I have nothing really to add. We have to take courses via computer at work and keep them current. I always wondered if it would do any good.

Award winning photo..and he lived.



Ssraeszha Raider
Depends on what caused the cardiac arrest. If it was something traumatic like a car accident, stabbing, fell out a window, etc. then they're dead and CPR is useless. If something just caused the heart's electrical system to get screwed up, then their survival chances are extremely high with quick CPR/AED.

If you actually see someone go down you can give them a solid punch right in the sternum and it acts like a mini-aed and can restore their heartbeat.


Ssraeszha Raider
Depends on what caused the cardiac arrest. If it was something traumatic like a car accident, stabbing, fell out a window, etc. then they're dead and CPR is useless. If something just caused the heart's electrical system to get screwed up, then their survival chances are extremely high with quick CPR/AED.

If you actually see someone go down you can give them a solid punch right in the sternum and it acts like a mini-aed and can restore their heartbeat.