Thread is now Crazy Neighbors Thread
Great, now I have to start taking notes when I'm outside.
Quick rundown on the current neighbors.
1. Second night we lived in the house, we were in the driveway and heard one of the daughters screaming "YOU FUCKING BITCH I HATE YOU I HOPE YOU FUCKING DIE". Not just once. And that wasn't the only night. But the wife and I looked at each other and said, "Oh shit, we got us some of them kinda neighbors now"
2. One Christmas Night one of the daughters came banging on our door around midnight. I met her at the door with a shotgun. She was wasted and kept trying to force her way in saying they were beating her next door. I asked to see marks and she had none. But she kept insisting she needed to come in. Then she said she didn't even get a christmas present and was so sad. I offered to call the police for her and she declined. The next morning we realized the bitch had stolen a light from our porch. I guess that was her christmas present.
3. RUMOR: One night a dude came to our door in the middle of the night. He said he was a recent ex BF (like in the last 5 minutes) of one of the daughters and the mom was threatening to kill him. He didn't have a car, so he wanted to use our phone to call for a ride. I let him use it. He told us they were worshipping satan, cooking meth, and raping their daughters next door. He was a little drunk but not wasted. At the time I didn't take any of it seriously.
4. They had a pack of dogs that they let run free. We eventually had to call animal control on them because they always harassed my daughter when she got home from school and one day one bit her. In our yard BTW. There was no ill will over that because we talk to the lady who owns the house all the time and she says her kids keep bringing these fucking dogs and just leaving them. She doesn't even want them but can't bring herself to send them to the pound.
5. RUMOR: Had one of our neighbors doing some work on our well and he told me those people were known to whore out their daughters. Even back when they were underaged. This guy told me he saw the man drive his girl up to a corner store, she got out, got into another car, windows fogged up, she got out and back in his car. I think he said she was in there 15 minutes. If I was right about the daughter he was talking about, the girl was a sr in HS at the time he told the story, but the man had a stroke at least 5 years prior that he never recovered fully from, so I don't think he can drive anymore. He does drive a lawn mower, so maybe I'm wrong about that. Of course he also could have been talking about one of the boyfriends or sons.
6. Had another neighbor from down the street who is a general contractor. I tried to line him up to come look at doing some renovations for us. When he figured out where I lived he asked how I got along with the neighbors. I told him they didn't give me any trouble, but I'd heard some stuff about them. I forget his wording, but he indicated he had a story too. Told him I couldn't wait to hear it. Then, he wouldn't come look at my house. Instead he gave me numbers to some other people. My suspicion is that he's had run ins with them and just doesn't want to come down this way.
7. Nowhere near the caliber of the rest of them, but someone got a fucking drum set for christmas and they keep my wife pissed off by beating on the damned thing.
8. Found a random pit bull in my back yard one day. It wasn't the neighbors', but I knew they had one so I went over to ask if they knew it. When they didn't, I said well, I guess I'll call the cops to come get it and the dude freaked the fuck out. "Cops? don't need no cops poking around my business. Why you calling the cops? Cops better not snoop around here" I was like, "relax, I mean I'm calling them for the dog because animal control is off today"
9. They burn their trash, which I don't mind but the smell irritates my wife. We were under a burn ban for a while and they were still burning. I solved that by telling them that during burn bans or when it was windy they could use our dumpster for the household stuff that couldn't sit on the pile and wait for a good day to burn. I'm pretty sure they just use my dumpster all the time now, but at least it's only household trash and they're not filling it up with boxes and shit.
I have to say that all of my interactions with them have been fine. They seem friendly and we help each other out. The only thing I've seen that even comes close to backing up the rumors above are the fights and the constant stream of traffic in and out. They seem to have at least 1 visitor an hour who never seems to stay for more than a minute. It might be the same car coming and going. All I can actually see are the headlights. But that would be weirder than it being visitors.
When we win the lottery, one of the first things we're going to do is buy that house and demolish it. The lady said she'd gladly sell it if she could get enough to move to colorado and away from her kids.