yea, Emerald KS has +40 in two spots so it is equivalent.
If I am a Ruby backer with +10 bonus Parcels, and I upgrade Post-KS Emerald, does that mean I now have 90 total Tax Free Parcels?
Upgrade means you get the (positive) difference, not an absolute add. You are paying the price differential, not the full price after all for an upgrade.
Thanks! Any single items available for purchase?
Not immediately, but in the future, yes.
by GordonWalton 6 minutes ago in forum News & Announcements in Kickstarter Backer Packages And Post-Kickstarter Backer Packages
I may want to upgrade to sapphire later, I understand I won't lose my amber rewards from KS, but will I still get all the KS sapphire stuff if I upgrade later?
No you won't get a Kickstarter Sapphire reward if you upgrade after tomorrow. You'll only get what's offered in the new 2015 Sapphire, in the areas where it exceeds your Kickstarter Amber.
For exampe, the Kickstarter Sapphire adds a Villa as a reward over Amber, but the New 2015 Sapphire doesn't have that Villa. If you upgrade after Kickstarter ends, you won't get the Villa, because it doesn't exist in the new 2015 Sapphire package.
by GordonWalton 13 minutes ago in forum News & Announcements in Kickstarter Backer Packages And Post-Kickstarter Backer Packages
Is there any plan to let people upgrade their KS pledges to a higher tier? For example, right now I have Amber in KS.
Could I pay the difference to upgrade to Sapphire post-KS, and get access to Alpha 1 without losing all my Kickstarter rewards?
Great points we should have covered.
1) We will let people upgrade to the NEW 2015 packages without losing anything from the current one they hold, but not right away. The Kickstarter packages are gone forever tomorrow morning, so you can't upgrade to them post-Kickstarter.
2) We will sell elements of the package, like Alpha 1, separately at some point, and probably with limited quantities (as we only want and need a certain number of people in each test). Again, we aren't ready to start selling items separately quite yet, but that capability is coming.
3) I'll add one you didn't ask. A lot of people don't want/can't use some aspect of the package they have, and for SOME (not all) of those items, we will run buy-backs for store credit on in the future. The items most often mentioned are the Collectors Edition, and all the various invitations to visit ArtCraft where people can't use them due to geographic/time challenges. Don't expect this capability for a few months though (and hopefully we'll have it sooner). Typically we'll bring out some new things for backers to purchase with store credit in conjunction with any buy-back offer.