Here's some from the Q&A today if you didn't participate.
Replies from Todd (@jtoddcoleman)
Q: Has there been any consideration for proximity voice chat? Or is @CrowfallGame going to rely on mostly text communication?
A: @_Teekey_ @CrowfallGame text is the current plan
Q: #CFQuestions Do ya'll expect the Eternal Kingdoms to become the main focus of the game and be able to be played as a stand alone game
A: @EStormstalker @CrowfallGame Campaigns are the heart of the game, but expect a complete experience at the economic/metagame level
Q: #CFQuestions Are there any plans to include skills or Discs that focus on mercantilism, i.e. tax breaks, Thrall mangement, caravan speed?
A: @jsoti @CrowfallGame yes, absolutely, we intend to have crafting and economy focused disciplines!
Q: #CFQuestions Will players starting out in their own EK (alone) have a "general chat" available to converse w/ other players accross EK's?
A: @Arawulf we are going to have to have cross-world chat, yes. @CrowfallGame
Q: what kinds of things can we see in @CrowfallGame endgame? Raiding, pvp, etc.. #CFQuestions
A: @dark_arches @CrowfallGame everything in CF is end game. so: yes.
Q: #CFQuestions What is your favorite Archetype and why is it the Guinecean Duelist?
A: @_Teekey_ @CrowfallGame it's the Guinecean slayer, actually. you'll meet him, soon.
Q: So @CrowfallGame #CFQuestions so fishing ... Great gathering profession in Crowfall or greatest gathering profession in Crowfall?
A: @Anhrez @CrowfallGame no traditional fishing, but we have a minigame to hunt crabs called "crab shoot". it's great!
Q: #CFQuestions Will players be able to respec their characters with different skills and discs? If so, how much gold would it cost?
A: @Entityofsin @CrowfallGame you can change disciplines. the old rune is destroyed in the process.
Q: #CFQuestions what is Dec 2016 supposed to be a date for?
A: @Shadowblader21 @CrowfallGame release of the core module
Q: #CFQuestions will crappy computers be able to run crowfall to some degree?
A: @man0fbass @CrowfallGame probably not.
Q: Will players/guilds who elect to kneel be able to reverse that decision during a Campaign? #CFQuestions
A: @motstandet @CrowfallGame of course. they need to be able to betray their master and turn the tide of war. be careful who you trust.
Q: With this game being open pvp, will there be "boss" fights with instances or is it all open world, like rare elite spawns? #CFQuestions
A: @ThomasMartin599 @CrowfallGame no instances dungeons. no dungeon bosses. yes tough monsters in the open world.
Q: Whats the plan with announcing a fuller picture of available Archetypes & Disciplines?
A: @TheScree we have working lists, but we're still developing them. we'll be updating you as things settle out.
Q: #CFQuestions, will there be an in game currency, similar to crowns in Wizard101?
A: @SheldonCentral @CrowfallGame there will be a currency that represents game time, which is tradeable.
Q: @CrowfallGame #CFQuestions Are you guys planning on multiple styles of mounts. I know we have horses, what about Large wolves, dragons, etc?
A: @NoobByDesign @CrowfallGame definitely will have a LOT of different mounts. but steering clear of flying mounts, at least for now.
Q: @CrowfallGame #cfquestions One more try. Plans on a customer-exposed API? Character/City/Guild data we can pull onto web? Armory-like Apps?
A: @TheScree @CrowfallGame I did that for SB, actually. it's a great idea, we'll see if we have time/resource to allocate to it.
Q: Not creative when it comes to building from scratch, is it possible to have a fully functional EK through template plots? #CFQuestions
A: @Elvinelol @CrowfallGame I think you're going to find the building tools to be flexible and simple enough that this won't be an issue
Q: #CFQuestions Can players make only certain cells/parcels of their EK public, or is it an all-or-nothing decision?
A: @jsoti all or nothing! but we are going to give you tools to manage your world (banning, for instance)
Q: #CFQuestions Some online MMO games have the option to add secondary authentication for security when logging in, will Crowfall have that?
A: @ItsGamerJay @CrowfallGame i feel like we almost have to do this.
Q: @CrowfallGame #cfquestions Bane Circles (in SB) helped narrow down a time my city could be attacked/defended. Any similar mechanic plans?
A: @TheScree @CrowfallGame yes, we're using similar siege mechanics: windows of protection and vulnerability.
Q: #CFQuestions Will there be fast travel? Or is @CrowfallGame going to make travel actually matter once again?
A: @_Teekey_ @CrowfallGame resources require caravans. if we do any fast travel, there will be a steep cost.
Q: #CFQuestions In update 19 we saw many prebuilt structures for our EKs. Are all buildings prebuilt? Is it the same in the campaigns?
A: @W101Cal the smaller buildings are pre-built. larger structures (citadels, palaces) are enclosures that contain room for smaller buildings
Q: @CrowfallGame @jtoddcoleman #CFQuestions Read about less focus on heal mechanics, any plans for temp health buffs/shield type skills?
A: @BATCLAM @CrowfallGame all of those are available from support classes. just no "firehose" healers.
Q: #CFQuestions Curious if power-leveling will be a thing of the past in Crowfall. Thoughts?
A: @hsghafoor @CrowfallGame it doesn't really work in this system, due to passive training
Q: Will it be possible for a small guild to survive as a bandit band without holding down a PoI in the campaign? #CFQuestions
A: @powernone @CrowfallGame in some campaigns, yes. in others, no. depends on rules and the strength of that group.
Q: #CFQuestions When a player dies, will they respawn completely naked or will they always have a basic armor set?
A: @_Teekey_ @CrowfallGame how much they lose depends on ruleset. our "naked" still looks armored, though, because naked is goofy
Q: #CFQuestions Will weapons and armor be bound to the player when equipped, or are we allowed to trade/sell our old equipment freely?
A: @Streaksyd @CrowfallGame no, they aren't bound to the player. do whatever you like with them.
Q: #CFQuestions @CrowfallGame can the mounts be trade? for eg, tame a mount, lvl up it then sell it
A: @Himblerk @CrowfallGame yes, you can trade them. and craft figurines for trading, too.
Q: Do you have plans for customizing guilds beyond name/ranks/heralds? Perks? Guild Banks? Specialized vs General?
A: @TheScree @CrowfallGame in SB, I felt very strongly that we needed themed guild type (Noble House, Ranger's Sanctuary, etc) but most players ended up in the ARAC (all race, all class) guild types anyway. I didn't really see a good way to solve that, but now that we have Artifacts, I have an idea that might work well. So, I'm going to see if I can work it into the design
Q: @CrowfallGame #CFQuestions What does FFA mean for Dregs? One individual winner, or can a guild win?
A: @zenjah @CrowfallGame it's still a guild-based team structure. FFA just means you can whack your guildmates.
Q: #CFQuestions @CrowfallGame will be a one mega server? or multiple servers? or a server per region? or multiple server interconnect between
A: @Himblerk @CrowfallGame each Campaign World and Eternal Kingdom is a separate world. Each of those worlds is seamless.
Q: @jtoddcoleman @_Teekey_ @CrowfallGame Can resources still be combined into materials (and the reverse)? #CFQuestions
A: @trynthlas @_Teekey_ @CrowfallGame yes, they can be combined and broken apart. but the conversion is extremely inefficient/lossy.
Q: #CFQuestions I'm assuming anyone can eventually build a villa/manor etc just the higher pledges get them sans initial resource cost?
A: @lordelrond @CrowfallGame yes.
Replies from Gordon (@PSWTyrant)
Q: Will there be additional opportunities to purchase/win Alpha Keys or is it solely to Kickstarter Backers? #CFQuestions .
A: @SheldonCentral @CrowfallGame We will sell bundles with them post-KS and probably sell them individually at some point.
Q: @CrowfallGame #CFQuestions the Eternal K. will be one per account or one per character?
A: @Himblerk @CrowfallGame One per account, all characters share the same EK
Q: #CFQuestions Any chance pre alpha will be expanded a bit? Or was your original intent to only have the 20ish diamond+ backers initially.
A: @lordelrond @CrowfallGame Pre-alpha is for very, very early testing, and we don't need a lot of people. We may sell this access later
Q: #CFQuestions Any talent tree type systems for player customizations for their Archetypes/Disciplines?
A: @estone907 @CrowfallGame the disciplines are a branching mechanism. but otherwise system is flat.
Q: #CFQuestions Do you sell Crowfall to other countries too?
A: @celevie123 Yes, Crowfall will be available worldwide for sale.
Q: @CrowfallGame #CFQuestions will you be able to pay taxes on parcels in the ek without resources from campaigns?
A: @EricMTGcast @CrowfallGame No. But you can get them from players that participate in the campaigns.
Q: @CrowfallGame #CFQuestions Will europeans/backers be able to upgrade to a collectors edition?
@NickcSchneider @CrowfallGame You will be able to buy the Collectors Edition separately sometime after the Kickstarter
Q: #CFQuestions I've seen a lot of questions about the ruby custom heraldry. Will an ACE artist actually help draw/design it? Or just import.
A: @lordelrond Just import and make sure it's not terrible/offensive/violating someone's property rights
Q: @CrowfallGame #CFQuestions Can victory conditions entail eliminating a single target, such as one specific player?
A: @Edoniveus @CrowfallGame Unlikely. The nice thing about campaigns and rulesets is they can evolve over time though.
Q: #CFQuestions Will we be able to purchase a custom guild heraldry option in the future?
A: @Swordroll Yes. Either through the extended creation options or a custom one being added to the game (very pricey for the second)
Q: #CFQuestions Is it possible there will be more races added to the game? Like Goblin assassins or orc berserkers
A: @pop81 Highly likely over time.
Replies from @CrowfallGame
Q: @CrowfallGame @PSWTyrant #CFQuestions What value are structures going to bring for defense/offence? or is it just for show/breaking?
A: @shadowrahl @PSWTyrant Very important! Hard to hold land without a fortification.