1. You appear in the world, nekkid and alone, ahh the life of the dregs!
2. You grab a tree branch, a Club! A grand start to the day. Some nekkid and alone guy appears near you, you can't let him get a club, so you beat him to death.
3. You find out on vent where some guildies are, it seems one of the officers just got clubbed to death. Ooops sorry.
4. You scout out the area, apologizing every now and then to Officer (Bitch tits) Bob. You meet up with some other guildies in a valley where a river is running off to the east, and a small collapsed keep is filled with undead. Several other guildies are on their way, gathering stuff they find to help equip everyone.
5. You get enough force to take the boss of the ruined keep, having had luck frogstomping the zombies. The boss dies, yay team! America Fuck Yeah! Your guild leader takes over the flag and you are now in control of your first parcel, sure it is a ruined husk of a keep, but with some spackle and 2x4's Castle Anthrax can be born once again.
6. Of course now on the map there is a nice shiny new marker showing all of the non guilded fuckwits the fact that Castle Anthrax has been born. They want your shit. Of course the walls are crap, there is no real protection here, the inn is a tent with a giant hole in the side, and the forge is still on fire. There is also no beer. Ahh the dregs, such a wonderful place, Bob is even starting to look cute with his shapely bitch tits.
7. People go out looking for stuff to kill, you have to get wood and stone and metal to get this place repaired. Some jackhole popped into vent and crowed how his (Enemy) guild already has a forge built and they are making swords and know where you live.
8. The arms race begins. 10 people with swords will kill 20 people with clubs and shitty walls. Of course 5 people with clubs kill 1 dude with a sword, and now we have a sword. Of course the guild leader gives it to Bob. Fuck Bob and his stupid tits.
9. The campaign is in full swing, people have flocked to Castle Anthrax, bringing with them materials (Bribes) so they can join the glorious guild. Bob got his crafter girlfriend to log in finally and make the inn, and forge with the mats we have been bribed with. Gotta love Bob, his girlfriend is quite useful to have around, good old Bob.
10. We found Jackholes Forge area, they should have built walls. Sure they are well geared, but they dodge for shit, and the only good pvp'er is their guild leader. Such a shame we killed them and took their shit. Now we are well geared and have 50+ people logging in. Muhahaha.
11. Oh shit. PRX tag just spotted, they have 100+ people with siege engines. Castle Anthrax is doomed. No more spankings, no more Zoot. (Bob's Girlfriend)