So wait. Voice com and knowing your class is making UI/ability response time and lag animation a non issue for you?
Has anyone looked at the Bio of people working on this? The games have been absolutely fucking horrible, with most of the leads coming out of Ex-SOE and the people directly responsible for fucking up SWG with the NGE and the ones who made the majority of design mistakes with SWTOR and TESO. I would say they could learn from their mistakes right? No. These are egotistical good ol' boys club morons who will sink a ship over being wrong. It's been proven over the last
20 years. So my question is why would anyone think this is going to change? Gordon Walton couldn't lead an army of monkeys to ford a 4" river to banana island. Jesus Christ. Open your eyes people.
"Since earning a PhD in Astrophysics in the mid 90s, Bill has worked primarily in MMO development."
But wait, don't worry. Raph Koster sits on the advisory board????
Welcome to the misfit playhouse!
I strongly advise no one, I mean literally no one, gets too deep into this garbage hype. You are all smarter than this.