

King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Nah I just felt like talking about shit. My 15 year old dog is having issues with it and a new puppy in the house is making even more issues.

Crowfall if they pull it off is going to rock. (Evil grin) With the way they have done the hunger dome idea I even have hope that they are going to pull it off.
Not enough brown in this message. Disappointed.


Avatar of War Slayer
Anyone that picks "Fluke crits are awesome! That 1 in 10,000 chance keeps me excited" in the survey is a god damned commie.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I picked it Comrade!

I like a bit of random, always have, yeah it sucks when you get spluched but it is awesome when you splortch the enemy. People always scream that it lacks skill but shit happens in a fight, it is not all scripted out and choreographed, sometimes that punch you threw gets deflected into their throat and crushes their windpipe. Yay you!

I want a game where if you hate crits you have a strategy to deal with it. You gear for it, you spec for it, but of course in doing so you are vulnerable to something else. And then when you crush that punk ass build of the critmaester class it feels good!


Trakanon Raider
I picked it Comrade!

I like a bit of random, always have, yeah it sucks when you get spluched but it is awesome when you splortch the enemy. People always scream that it lacks skill but shit happens in a fight, it is not all scripted out and choreographed, sometimes that punch you threw gets deflected into their throat and crushes their windpipe. Yay you!

I want a game where if you hate crits you have a strategy to deal with it. You gear for it, you spec for it, but of course in doing so you are vulnerable to something else. And then when you crush that punk ass build of the critmaester class it feels good!

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Anyone that picks "Fluke crits are awesome! That 1 in 10,000 chance keeps me excited" in the survey is a god damned commie.
People bring up their winfury nostalgia on this forum all the time. Based on that, huge crits should have a decent following.


Anyone that picks "Fluke crits are awesome! That 1 in 10,000 chance keeps me excited" in the survey is a god damned commie.
I thought it was cool as shit when I got a "legendary crit" in vg randomly saving us from a wipe at the bottom of a dungeon, but in a pvp game that sounds stupid.


Vyemm Raider
Random chaos and gibbing should happen but that should be a product from siege weapons and/or the voxel engine rather than someones lucky arrow.


what Suineg set it to
I actually put a good deal of tune into the survey, figured I'd already grabbed Amber so might as well. Listed rerolled a bunch of times, hopefully others did as well maybe we can get some info lovin or something, who knows.

Through filling out the survey I came to actually realize a few things about my preferences when answering honestly. I also figured I actually don't care about pvp loot as long as it's done properly. If it's raiding/luck/bullshit timesinks then I am still against it but if it's more like a MOBA battle with characters that you unlock cosmetics for then I'm actually excited about it because of the possibility of getting OP stuff and stomping around with it. So we'll see how it plays out in practical terms. If it's like AC Darktide or less time commitment it'll be fun. If they shoehorn hours of bullshit to get required for battle again like EvE without a megacorp I'm going to be disappointed I think.

I'm still considering upping to KS Sapph at some point if the early Alpha reviews impress.


Vyemm Raider
They are doing alpha 2 invites for the next round so no need to up unless you wanted the other saph benefits or just want to support the game more.


<Gold Donor>
was wondering wtf you guys were talking about then I found the survey in my spam folder.

oh and fuck yeah alpha 2 invites


Blackwing Lair Raider
Lame, whelp, if they need a hand tell em to send me a PM. I can give some PVP advice pro bono.