Cruises: Good Value Vacation or White Trash Rafts?

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Mr. Poopybutthole
To OP's question:

No, millennials are not incredibly stupid.
They are, however, horribly misinformed by our media and educational systems.(At least in the US.)

At this point, many millennial-centric ideologies are exactly that; ideologies. Borderline religions with how little they listen to reason. This is because many not-millennials who are in control of our education system have effectively poisoned the well. Everyone drinks the koolaid because unless parents take direct intervention (or other authority figures during the rearing phases) it's the only drink in town, for the most part.

And I'm not even blaming liberals as a whole. It's a small subset that happens to have massive sway over how education is doled out in our communities. And this subset? Also happens to be largely batshit fucking loco. When 45 year old+ women are talking about the equality of Wolfkin vs. "CIS gendered" individuals, you can't blame the millennials for doing exactly what we did and learn from our elders/schools/communities. The problem is the elders/schools/communities in this case.

The very fact that we have middle aged/elderly people talking about how to effectively coddle the incoming millennial workforce because they are babies means the problem isn't the millennials; it's the people doing the coddling.
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
To OP's question:

No, millennials are not incredibly stupid.
They are, however, horribly misinformed by our media and educational systems.(At least in the US.)

At this point, many millennial-centric ideologies are exactly that; ideologies. Borderline religions with how little they listen to reason. This is because many not-millennials who are in control of our education system have effectively poisoned the well. Everyone drinks the koolaid because unless parents take direct intervention (or other authority figures during the rearing phases) it's the only drink in town, for the most part.

And I'm not even blaming liberals as a whole. It's a small subset that happens to have massive sway over how education is doled out in our communities. And this subset? Also happens to be largely batshit fucking loco. When 45 year old+ women are talking about the equality of Wolfkin vs. "CIS gendered" individuals, you can't blame the millennials for doing exactly what we did and learn from our elders/schools/communities. The problem is the elders/schools/communities in this case.

The very fact that we have middle aged/elderly people talking about how to effectively coddle the incoming millennial workforce because they are babies means the problem isn't the millennials; it's the people doing the coddling.
Congrats, this has nothing to do with this thread.
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Poet Warrior
Congrats, this has nothing to do with this thread.

It has everything to do with it. He is right on the money.

If there is an issue with 'millennials' it is a nurture issue. Or rather, the lack thereof.

These kids were given prizes and stuck into self esteem classes since birth. They are taught that their woes and their successes are not of their own making but rather, of someone else's. There was almost no way this wasn't how they were going to turn out.

The nurture aspect of child rearing was abandoned. Once the Frankfurt trained race/gender-baiters got their hands on the curriculums, every student that passed before their eyes could be instantaneously categorized by their nature. Divided up by their skin colors and gamete configurations and taught about the Marxian Oppressed/Oppressor split and what their role in it is.

Garbage in, garbage out. We are getting exactly what we deserve for allowing the Melissa Clicks of the world to have access to the most important memetic categories in our childs lives. Identity? Responsibility? Government? Society? Taught to our kids by Marx and Click? No no no. We need to cleanse it all.

If the Spartans were irresponsibly harsh on their children, we are irresponsibly lax on ours.

A little anecdote. My father, who is a man (which makes him a rapist and an oppressor), said that in his view, the most difficult aspect of parenting was making sure we weren't spoiled. He said that in the modern world we are so full of abundance that the ability to spoil, and thus ruin, your child is presented to you all the time. It is actually very easy to spoil children these days. But its ease or its difficulty do not change the fact that children can, in fact, be spoiled. He says that his challenge was to find and manufacture difficulty. To manufacture hardship. He knew that too much softness would grow broken creatures that are not capable of handling themselves in the real objective world. So he made it his task to toughen us up by giving us hardships. The cool part about it is not only does it work, but it allowed him to guide us with a loving hand through these challenges so as to help us do better and eventually overcome them. But even with his help, he would make us get through all the difficulties he put in our way. My mom gave me money and cookies whenever I asked.

If these babies can't even stand up to and handle a simple challenge like a debate against Milo or Coulter, then they are too soft. They are intellectual and moral cowards and despicable human beings and we did it to them. We let it happen to them. We are reaping what we have sown.
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The Big Mod
this thread summarized: a bunch of bitter social rejects doing mental gymnastics to come up with reasons millennials are stupid because a few people went to an event that turned out to be not what was advertised.
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Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
For all the people who laugh at Jarule for failing to execute on his festival, I think he stumbled upon a potential market.

Weekend Resort Music Festivals,

If Jay Z partnered with Sandals and offered an inclusive package, along with yatch rentals, this can pretty much be a thing. A high end exclusive music festival experience.

Throw in a bunch of discounted tickets for "models", aka women of lose morals, and you have yourself a good combination. I think Jarule failed on the execution, not the idea.
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Low and to the left
<Silver Donator>
this thread summarized: a bunch of bitter social rejects doing mental gymnastics to come up with reasons millennials are stupid because a few people went to an event that turned out to be not what was advertised.
So how many Fyre tickets did you end up buying?
  • 2Salty
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Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
This mostly offends me on a comedic level.

The timing is terrible
The lyrics aren't funny
The rhymes and singing quality are bad
The whole thing seems like they didn't even rehearse it before going live

I finally watched this and I couldn't agree more. It's like they came to her an hour before the show and said "we need you to write a song and dance number about how awesome sexual deviance is" and she decided to take a 45 minute nap before she started working on it.
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The Big Mod
A little anecdote. My father, who is a man (which makes him a rapist and an oppressor), said that in his view, the most difficult aspect of parenting was making sure we weren't spoiled. He said that in the modern world we are so full of abundance that the ability to spoil, and thus ruin your child is presented to you all the time. It is actually very easy to spoil children these days. But its ease or its difficulty do not change the fact that children can, in fact, be spoiled. He says that his challenge was to find and manufacture difficulty. To manufacture hardship. He knew that too much softness would grow broken creatures that are not capable of handling themselves in the real objective world. So he made it his task to toughen us up by giving us hardships. The cool part about it is not only does it work, but it allowed him to guide us with a loving hand through these challenges so as to help us do better and eventually overcome them. But even with his help, he would make us get through all the difficulties he put in our way. My mom gave me money and cookies
How proud he must be that his son grew up to be an esteemed Internet message board moderator.
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
"This new generation sucks."
-Every single previous generation

Yeah. Hate to say it, this has been going on for generations. Every generation thinks the one after them is spoiled rotten, fly off the handle, have no direction in life, etc. Social media isn't helping in this regard as it spotlights the worst of the worst. I have 3 step kids who all have strong work ethic, 1 of which has a family of their own, another 1 moving out shortly to live his life, work, and chase down a dream (Athletics, which I can relate too) and another who is still a junior in high school but holds down a job (20-30 hours a week), a high GPA, and such.

I think it is overblown quite a bit. The Millenials we see causing problems are from the same group that caused problems last generation, the generation before that, and on and on. Every generation has their share of bad eggs which tilt the view point and subjective opinion. This time, however, we have social media pouncing on all of it and flooding our brains with it. Like with anything and everyone, about 95% of the folks out there are normal, work, take care of themselves, etc - But we see the 5% every time we turn on the TV, read Facebook updates, twitter, etc and let that influence our thought process.

That doesn't mean it doesn't exist and there are a proportionate amount of liberal college kids living in bubbles. I know one exists for sure (Stepson's girlfriend) who is the epitome of "what the fuck is wrong with her". But it's not our call to get in the way of that and he needs to decide on his own when he has had enough.
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Krugman's Fax Machine
<Gold Donor>
For all the people who laugh at Jarule for failing to execute on his festival, I think he stumbled upon a potential market.

Weekend Resort Music Festivals,

If Jay Z partnered with Sandals and offered an inclusive package, along with yatch rentals, this can pretty much be a thing. A high end exclusive music festival experience.

Throw in a bunch of discounted tickets for "models", aka women of lose morals, and you have yourself a good combination. I think Jarule failed on the execution, not the idea.

Why rent a resort when you can just put everyone on a yatch? People having been doing a better version of this 'festival' for 25 yrs in one form or another.

Monsters of Rock Cruise 2018 • Coming Soon


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
Zapatta Zapatta
I'm just saying, there may be a market for it.. that is all.
Jarule may have failed on the execution, not the idea.


Krugman's Fax Machine
<Gold Donor>
thats not a yacht, thats a cruise ship.

and a cruise ship vacation is just about the trashiest vacation you can take.

Trashier than a shit tier atoll in the Bahamas with no running water and FEMA tents?
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