Also did some accidental testing of how Chipware Connoisseur works. The two sets of bonuses you have to choose from are the same for every piece of cyberware until you upgrade something, then it rolls a new pair to choose from the next time. I say "rolls" but it's actually not random. You can game the system by upgrading shitty low level cyberware to eat up the 'bad' rolls until your legendary stuff gets the bonus to quickhacks or whatever else you want, so it might be a good idea to not sell off your low level stuff for a tiny bit of eddies.
Whether or not this is actually worth doing is questionable, considering pretty much any decent L40+ build will still completely trivialize the game on very hard without any extra effort.
Something else I checked -- don't ever spec out of Driver Update. It only removes the third bonus stat from some cyberware, but on the ones it does it's gone permanently and spec'ing back into the perk doesn't add it on again.