Reason I bought the thing is because the last gaming laptop I wanted for work crapped out on me, and when I bought this one on Black Friday, I called their damn sales department and negotiated 6 years of warranty, on top of more discounts buying it through the refurbished store. It was better than a damn desktop that I had at the time, and I can travel with it.
Dude I haven't had any problems with it. I was able to play pretty much every game I bought in the past 4 years without any issues including cyberpunk, how to do a little tweaking the first time I played through the game but I got the settings nice and smoothed out, and it ran perfectly fine, I'll albeit not set on ultra, but like I said earlier I can't detect the damn difference.
I honestly just think whatever tweaks and stuff they've made to the game via patches or the expansion it's not near as efficient running as it used to be.
I don't know how demanding destiny 2 is on a system but I can run that on guns blazing, and it's ultra responsive. I got the only other game that I've really played in that same vein of cyberpunk is starfield and once they threw out a couple of patches to tweak their stupid engine bugs, that game was running beautifully, and it's newer than cyberpunk.
It's just weird. I just know there's been some talk of people playing it again, specifically I think
, I just wondered if there were any tweaks or things that I needed to maybe do or if anybody had encountered similar issues. It's just the damn FPS will run smooth as silk at like 70 or 80 and then suddenly it drops to 30 to 40, even if I'm inside a building at times.