There is nothing wrong with Chappelle's comedy, and while the woman who stormed out, choose to make a scene. It is very understandable why she did it. In an ideal world, Chappelle could have said, "Madam , here is a refund of your ticket, plus a drink on the house, now feel free to go because its going to get worse. "I apologize for my original joke. Given general statistics surrounding the Latino / Hispanic culture when it comes to abuse (sexual and otherwise) of underage children I should have surmised why you didn't like it. Again, I apologize for perpetuating literal violence in the form of words.
Have you noticed how there is very little comedy about cancer, as in "making fun of some on getting cancer" or making fun of a person in the way that they are dying?
Why is that? It is certainly funny in itself, all the endless poop jokes, or organs bleeding out, teeth falling out, etc there is certainly plenty of material there. But the reason I think comedians stay away from it, is because it is too relatable to the audience, and with many things, people stop finding things funny once it start happening to them. People will certainly not pay money to hear someone making fun of the way their mothers die, or significant others.
Funny is that we make fun of people getting aids, because we no longer found it so relevant to us, and is more like some someone else problem far far away.
anyways, Chappelle is a very good comedian, and hopefully he becomes the next John Stewart, where he uses his comedy to bring a political point.
But he cant, because the alphabet wont allow it, and that is a shame.
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