So I finally got around to renting this steaming pile. I'm not sure what to say other than there are things that exist in these DC shitpiles that make you excited for what could be, but only if the universe were in the hands of a clone of Feige and co. Directing, writing, editing, casting... All of it was garbage. And it's been said before many times, but I'll echo the sentiment that it suffers extremely from OMGWEHAVETOCOMPETEWITHAVENGERSNOWNOWNOW syndrome. Had they done a (better) superman movie where he's not just a callous dickhead, an interim batman movie explaining why 20 years later he's a hardened asshole who kills and is generally more brutal, and perhaps maybe even done the Wonder Woman movie BEFORE this one, with a different actress ideally. Then, perhaps this wouldn't have been as ridiculous.
Also, fuck Eisenberg and fuck whoever decided to cast him as Lex Luthor's psychotic hipster faggot son who seems to work at Google, judging by his absurd "LexCorp" HQ.