Deadlock - Valve makes games?


Toe Sucker
Yeah once you're in you can invite anybody on your steam list through the client and the invite is pretty quick now compared to a few months ago


Death and Taxes
Anyone wanna hook a brotha up with an invite? I can offer a worf, and I'll see if I can talk my wife into a ZJ.
  • 1Worf
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Death and Taxes
What's a ZJ?
  • 1Worf
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
I got my code from the GF yesterday. I should be able to invite other people, PM your Steam friend code if you still need one and ill give it a go.

Edit: Tried it for a few minutes in training mode and I don't think this is a game for me at all. Also did not really like the look of the characters in this, felt similar to that dead game Concorde.
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Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
So after playing some more some random thoughts

For context I played League pretty hard at release after years of WC3 DOTA, then moved to DOTA2 eventually and floated around legend/ancient there for a while, so I'm no pro but I'm not new to mobas either.

The movement in this game is really going to gatekeep a lot people from being 'good'. The stamina/sprint/jump/slide system is so amazingly powerful if you have the APM to do it it's kinda wild, and you can get more stam pips/regen them/leech them with items. The gulf between someone twitchy with high enough APM to be properly sliding > jumping > blinking everywhere and someone just sprinting there is astronomical, to say nothing of trying to actually shoot them or hit them with your skillshots while they are flailing around like a cracked out hummingbird.

Headshot builds are similarly going to really divide people based on actual FPS skills. Being able to consistently land headshots with the right items on a character like Geist with a relatively slow firing, hard hitting gun and her ramping damage amplification is going to absolutely shred people vs not being a headshot setup. The game has a lot more CS adjacent skills in it than you might realize in that regard, as hitting with your gun is the bulk of some characters damage, and can be scaled to the fuckin moon.

The map feels To me anyway. It's so hyper dense with verticality, neutral creeps, breakables etc, that it's gonna take ages for people to even begin to learn how to traverse the thing efficiently, much less have any real awareness of their positioning relative to lane pushes.

Characters are all pretty cool though, lot of Dota/League abilities obviously, but they are fit together in some cool ways. Tho I am dubious of having the melee button on everyone, especially with the way it can be charged and the damage it deals. That one just feels like one too many layers on an already incredibly complex game, and most of your normies aren't even gonna know it exists much less utilize it, and then just be mad and confused when someone lands a stun on them oneshots them with a charged melee hit.
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Death and Taxes
I got my code from the GF yesterday. I should be able to invite other people, PM your Steam friend code if you still need one and ill give it a go.

Edit: Tried it for a few minutes in training mode and I don't think this is a game for me at all. Also did not really like the look of the characters in this, felt similar to that dead game Concorde.
Shot you a pm... Dunno why. Steam name is Jeydax 🙏


Blackwing Lair Raider
I love this game. It's rough around the edges, but man is it fun. For a foundation there is a lot to like, but there is definitely a bunch of stuff that needs to change too.


what Suineg set it to
I don't have an invite yet but from everything I've watched it seems a bit bullet spongey and slow. Which is fine for MOBAs starting off, but combining that with shooter gameplay is where I'm not sold on.


what Suineg set it to
I watched some streams of this and man it just doesn't look very good. The moba pacing combined with bullet sponge just left me with the impression that it was just slow. That and the environment and everything looks half finished. That may be the case, but it seems really short of character despite trying to be kitschy Blizzard art style.

Add in all the weird ass characters which are fine in a high fantasy setting but just look like a gaggle of retards in a city.

Maybe they'll turn this around but wasn't expecting to be this turned off just by watching it.


Trakanon Raider
Played a few matches and went back to TWW.

I like the art style and the shooting is okay but it felt like everyone I was playing against already had a good grasp of the game while I was struggling a bit.

Holy shit the reload speed is painful…


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
There's gonna be a lot of culture shock for people that think this is or want this to be a shooter or Overwatch type game.

It is absolutely not that. It's DOTA with a new camera angle and all your auto attacks are skillshots now.


<Gold Donor>
I havent got a chance to play this yet, but does this game suffer from the same MOBA type design flaw? Your team is behind so you know 95% you will lose, the team you are fighting also knows you will lose as well, but you have no option other than play another hour of this game till its end? Wasting both teams time?
  • 1Solidarity
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I havent got a chance to play this yet, but does this game suffer from the same MOBA type design flaw? Your team is behind so you know 95% you will lose, the team you are fighting also knows you will lose as well, but you have no option other than play another hour of this game till its end? Wasting both teams time?

Remember when "Faker" from League of Legends lost a silver game lol
  • 1Worf
Reactions: 1 user


Lord Nagafen Raider
I can shoot an invite to anyone who wants it. Just DM me and I'll drop you my friend code.

Edit: I run a few games on evenings with a co-worker and his friend and I'm terribad at it :p But it's somewhat fun sometimes.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
I havent got a chance to play this yet, but does this game suffer from the same MOBA type design flaw? Your team is behind so you know 95% you will lose, the team you are fighting also knows you will lose as well, but you have no option other than play another hour of this game till its end? Wasting both teams time?
Yep. Love the game but this is still absolutely the case. If I see us lose First Blood and then one guy is getting pushed super hard I know we have a decent chance of losing. Having said that, early game doesn't seem to mean as much as it does in a typical MOBA. I see teams turn it around mid-game all the time.


Avatar of War Slayer
I watched arch play this for a bit. It looked pretty solid/fun to me.

he was just terrible at it though. and in the end declared he hated it. more that he just didn't enjoy it, not that it was bad. pretty sure much of this was him being terrible.
zero team play. he was playing the witch sniper, and just run and gunning.

the skyrail system is brilliant. I think this could be expanded. allowing it to cross lanes.

did feel like there was too much onscreen at once. tons of visual clutter. upgrades/etc also a bit crazy. too much shit.

I think I only played SMite for like 4 hours. didn't love it.


A Mod Real Quick
I actually really like this game. You can get snowballed pretty hard though. I am a smooth brained retard but I feel like 4 lanes isn't great and wish it was 3.

If anyone needs an invite just add me on steam.



Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I think the biggest initial hurdle is not knowing what the fuck the shop items are going to do for your character and what other characters do. The community builds you can select are nice because the creator can at least leave notes that tell you what the shop items will do for your character
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