Deadlock - Valve makes games?


Trakanon Raider
Yep. Love the game but this is still absolutely the case. If I see us lose First Blood and then one guy is getting pushed super hard I know we have a decent chance of losing.
This isn't even true for Dota let alone Deadlock and Deadlock doesn't have proper MMR/matchmaking yet. I know there is an MMR system but even Valve says its trash currently. Once that is working hopefully there will be closer games.

I think the biggest initial hurdle is not knowing what the fuck the shop items are going to do for your character and what other characters do. The community builds you can select are nice because the creator can at least leave notes that tell you what the shop items will do for your character
Plenty of guides out there since the "NDA" lifted. I honestly think its less of a problem these days with games like Elden Ring becoming so mainstream. Easy to jump in but hard to master is slowly becoming more mainstream. Personally I think MOBAs are hard to jump into and hard to master, but Deadlock basics are just shooting and using abilities.


Molten Core Raider
community builds
Are the biggest game changer, it has helped most of my friends. Now they're starting to explore items that work in certain situations, or matchups while maintaining the learning of things like a spirit build or gun build.

I think the best part of this game, while its not 100% optimal because of things like toolkit and how it synergizes.. but you could run a gun build on virtually anyone and supply some serious damage.. it feels like old day league when you could get kinda creative with champions and while its not the best; you could potentially carry.

Though, grandma.. she goes brrr


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
After playing this for a bit, Dynamo is probably my favorite character. Being able to flex into a support or carry/initiator is pretty nice


Lord Nagafen Raider
I mostly play McGinnis. I either go "turret build" or "minigun go brrrrr" or a mix of the two. She's really great at either defending or split pushing. And of course, placing those annoying little turrets in unexpected places, so when you're returning/shopping you suddenly see enemy hero names and their health dropping to like 2/3's or 1/2 because fuck you, turrets wise.

Also, the turrets are great for getting kill assists by not even being anywhere close to where the enemy hero died if there was a turret placed there :p


Molten Core Raider
Is this fun for a former quake player with much slower reflexes and doesn’t like mobas?
Depends, I think the initial answer is no solely because it does have moba economy.. but it also depends on what it is you specifically hate about mobas. I'm a CS main, with a lot range of shooters in the pocket.

The overall gunfight and movement is a lot of fun, imo. I'm usually not a person that is fond of bulletsponge-y shooters, but this one does a pretty decent job at making the bullet sponge make sense because of the moba economy. When you carry, or play a hyper carry; you decimate when you're ahead, and you more or less learn how to be ahead or catch up via souls/farm/kills. Some of the leaked concept characters are looking to be rocket jump esq style.. add the stamina system they have with dash -> crouch -> jump -> land,crouch; ect, with wall jumps and so on.

It's also pretty forgiving with aim. Shiv is a good example, he's bruiser but his "shotgun" does decieving amount of damage from moderate range.. but ultimately the "spread" makes gathering souls stupid easy from any range. It's weird; basically feels like a buckshot when shooting at souls, but when shooting at players.. it feels closer to a slug. Could totally be wrong on that, but thats what it feels like.


Molten Core Raider
This is far more of a moba than a fps, which is probably why I can't get into either. For me it feels like the worst of both worlds.
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