Deadpool 2 (2018)


Silver Baronet of the Realm
So let me ask you honestly. Was the Karl Marx portrait intentional or accidental?

Did Deadpool talk about 'cultural appropriation' or didn't he?

Is the fact that there have been no obese super heroes a consequence of discrimination or common sense?

Do white males immediately make you think of rape, Cyb?

There are obese supers. They are just either villains or morloks.

The racism dp talks about is a joke. It's a riff on BLACK tom, being white. He makes the joke several times.

I didn't notice Karl marc specifically, but I do remember there being lots of old white dude portraits. DP also makes a joke about that.

I'm sorry, what's your point?
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Poet Warrior
There are obese supers. They are just either villains or morloks.

The racism dp talks about is a joke. It's a riff on BLACK tom, being white. He makes the joke several times.

I didn't notice Karl marc specifically, but I do remember there being lots of old white dude portraits. DP also makes a joke about that.

I'm sorry, what's your point?

Obese people aren't super heroes because being obese isn't super or heroic.

Maybe I missed something about black tom vs white tom. I didn't read the comics. I suppose can cede this point.

Marx was there my friend. Look for it next time you watch it. And, in my humble opinion, it probably wasn't an accident. He seemed to be deliberately framed in that shot alongside Colossus. Now, I don't know for certain that this was intentional, but even if accidental it is sort of disgusting. Let me be clear, this was during the dialogue with Deadpool and Colossus in the mansion just seconds after the 'rape whistle' joke (pertaining to white males, deliberate dialogue). Notice how they cut back and forth from Deadpool to Colossus. Every time they cut to Collossus during this scene, Marx is right there in the upper left corner of the shot.

I am not afraid to Godwin myself so I will. Can you state honestly that a portrait of Hitler in the background would have gone un-noticed by you?
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I'm With HER ♀
Deadpool accuses some character of 'cultural appropriation' which is a bullshit term and a bullshit concept.

He says at the end that his 'family' came together 'despite some racism', but the only racism I saw was from Domino who referred to Cable as 'the old white guy'. Maybe that is the racism he was referring to, but color me skeptical. I'm sure he was referring to either Cable or himself (them being the two white guys on the team). Deadpool seemed to agree with the general concept of the new Original Sin (i.e. being born white and/or male).

I guess the lesbian/trans couple was handled okay and the producers didn't try too hard shove their particular bullshit down my throat.

Every employee of the evil sanitorium where Fire-Hands came from was a white male.

And then the more generic idea, which is the same criticism I've levied against Family Guy in the past: pop-culture references are not jokes.

Some parts were funny. I loved how Deadpool's whole team died in the parachute scene. That was great. And for some reason I just loved the part where Cable, during the convoy chase scene, shoots 50 bullets at him and he pretends to slash them all up with his swords while they are actually just hitting him and going through him. That part made me sincerely laugh.

The action scenes were decent and I liked how Deadpool called the Juggernaut vs Colossus a 'CGI Battle'. The 4th wall stuff is funny and is what Deadpool is all about, but the sjwism and the pop-culture references were just too ham-fisted for my taste. That being said, I doubt I was their target audience.

There was a halfway decent movie buried underneath all the cultural marxism and leftist talking points, but it was really marred by those points and it made it un-fun. Can I go to a movie anymore these days without being reminded of how evil I am for being white? Fucking hell.
Obese people aren't super heroes because being obese isn't super or heroic.

Maybe I missed something about black tom vs white tom. I didn't read the comics. I suppose can cede this point.

Marx was there my friend. Look for it next time you watch it. And, in my humble opinion, it probably wasn't an accident. He seemed to be deliberately framed in that shot alongside Colossus. Now, I don't know for certain that this was intentional, but even if accidental it is sort of disgusting. Let me be clear, this was during the dialogue with Deadpool and Colossus in the mansion just seconds after the 'rape whistle' joke (pertaining to white males, deliberate dialogue). Notice how they cut back and forth from Deadpool to Colossus. Every time they cut to Collossus during this scene, Marx is right there in the upper left corner of the shot.

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Poet Warrior
Welp, I suppose I've said my peace but before I check out of this thread, can I at least get Phazael Phazael 's remarks on my observations? I would probably value that.
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Molten Core Raider
So tell me what I'm missing, you guys.

I point out the SJWism in Star Wars and get lots of likes for it, I point it out in Deadpool and immediately get picarded.

I'm honestly confused why this is the case.

I think the difference here is that you went into deadpool 2 expecting a deadpool movie, and that's what you got. Maybe there was some unneeded SJW stuff in there, but they didn't really go out of their way to add it, and it didn't really impact the story at all.

With The Last Jedi, you went in expecting a Star Wars movie, and you did not get a Star Wars Movie. They went out of their way to add scenes, themes & characters that can only be explained by trying to send a political message. These either didn't make sense or went completely against the original storyline.

So when you call out The Last Jedi, you'll get a lot of support because it basically ruined the movie. With Deadpool 2, they threw a whole lot of jokes at the wall and hoped most of them would stick. It was what you expected from a Deadpool movie. It was mostly enjoyable & funny, so calling out SJW stuff seems more nitpicky, especially since the majority of your issues had little to no impact on the actual film.
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Poet Warrior
I think the difference here is that you went into deadpool 2 expecting a deadpool movie, and that's what you got. Maybe there was some unneeded SJW stuff in there, but they didn't really go out of their way to add it, and it didn't really impact the story at all.

With The Last Jedi, you went in expecting a Star Wars movie, and you did not get a Star Wars Movie. They went out of their way to add scenes, themes & characters that can only be explained by trying to send a political message. These either didn't make sense or went completely against the original storyline.

So when you call out The Last Jedi, you'll get a lot of support because it basically ruined the movie. With Deadpool 2, they threw a whole lot of jokes at the wall and hoped most of them would stick. It was what you expected from a Deadpool movie. It was mostly enjoyable & funny, so calling out SJW stuff seems more nitpicky, especially since the majority of your issues had little to no impact on the actual film.

Thank you.

I still think it's disgusting that a portrait of Karl Marx exists inside of the X-Men mansion, and is deliberatley placed in-frame, but thank you.

I think maybe what happened is that within the first 10 minutes I am hit with "white males = rape" and "Karl Marx is good" seemingly all at once. I admit that both of these things came early on in the movie, and maybe they overloaded my senses and tainted my vision of the movie going forward.

I liked the movie as a movie, but I just couldn't un-see the SJW cultural shit. Though, as you say, maybe Deadpool is the sort of place to play with those concepts unlike a place such a Star Wars. Thanks Korillo.
  • 1Salty
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Obese people aren't super heroes because being obese isn't super or heroic.

Maybe I missed something about black tom vs white tom. I didn't read the comics. I suppose can cede this point.

Marx was there my friend. Look for it next time you watch it. And, in my humble opinion, it probably wasn't an accident. He seemed to be deliberately framed in that shot alongside Colossus. Now, I don't know for certain that this was intentional, but even if accidental it is sort of disgusting. Let me be clear, this was during the dialogue with Deadpool and Colossus in the mansion just seconds after the 'rape whistle' joke (pertaining to white males, deliberate dialogue). Notice how they cut back and forth from Deadpool to Colossus. Every time they cut to Collossus during this scene, Marx is right there in the upper left corner of the shot.

I am not afraid to Godwin myself so I will. Can you state honestly that a portrait of Hitler in the background would have gone un-noticed by you?

well... i mean... there is no white tom. black tom cassidy is a friend of juggernauts. they hang out pretty regularly. he's got a really dumb, but actually pretty devastating super power in that he can control plants. he's fairly low tier bad guy though. but yeah, he's an irish dude named black tom. deadpool just repeatedly pulls the racist card when there is absolutely no need reason to. it's one of those double layered jokes. it's funny on the surface because it's ridiculous. but it's also funny when you dig deeper because he's basically giving a social commentary on the current state of the western world. black people don't get NOT hired because they're black. they don't get fired because they're black. they don't get picked on anymore than any other race, sex or creed because of their skin color. people get singled out because they are acting the fool. that's the joke. see how super funny it is when you have to explain it?

to be honest, i MIGHT pick out a picture of hitler if he was in the background? it would depend, i'd suppose, on how prevalently it was displayed? honestly, that scene went by fast enough that i didn't recognize any of them. it didn't seem out of place to me for a rich english white guy to have a bunch of portraits of old looking white dudes. i KNOW that's the perfect place to hide some goofy easter eggs, and that's probably all that the picture of marx was supposed to be.

though. honestly, i don't see why professor x WOULDN'T have a portrait of marx. that's one of deadpool's problems with the x-men. the x-men are the cool kids. deadpool resents them for what they are, they are perfect. they live in a perfect mansion, they have perfect posture, perfect jawlines, perfect hair. they are the bourgeoisie. deadpool is VERY much the working class. lives in a dump, lives from paycheck to paycheck. his face is burned pizza, everyone, even his friends can barely stand him half the time. but as much as deadpool despises the x-men, all he wants is to be accepted by them.

i mean.. doesn't that make sense?

also, are you comparing marx to hitler?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Or, you know, they're fucking around because Colossus is Russian and throw in Karl Marx on the wall.

And like j00t said, Deadpool thinks the X-Men are a cult, so all of that is played for laughs anyways.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Marx was a German living in Britain.

it's funny because when you originally started talking about marx behind colossus, i was like, yeah that makes sense. halfway through my reply i was like... wait.. marx was german...


Poet Warrior
Or, you know, they're fucking around because Colossus is Russian and throw in Karl Marx on the wall.

And like j00t said, Deadpool thinks the X-Men are a cult, so all of that is played for laughs anyways.

This is giving too much credit to the people who work at Disney/Marvel.

Maybe you're right, and I'd be happy to learn that you were. But in my opinion, Marx should be on the same pantheon as Lenin, Hitler, Stalin and Mao.

Oh wait, they already are in the same pantheon.
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Poet Warrior
it's funny because when you originally started talking about marx behind colossus, i was like, yeah that makes sense. halfway through my reply i was like... wait.. marx was german...

He could be Swahili or Filipino for all I care. The man wrote the most deadly sentence in human history and should be absolutely reviled for it, not hung on the wall in a framed picture with his hand in his lapel like he's some sort of eminent scholar.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
More or less, yes. Collectivist totalitarians are collectivist totalitarians.

this is fascinating. my understanding is limited, i'll admit... but... hitler tried to commit genocide because of the belief in "pure" race vs "lesser" race. marx made some social theories about how society works. how are they even remotely similar?


Poet Warrior
this is fascinating. my understanding is limited, i'll admit... but... hitler tried to commit genocide because of the belief in "pure" race vs "lesser" race. marx made some social theories about how society works. how are they even remotely similar?

We're on a derail, but 'Oppressor vs Oppressed' is Marx's view of the world.

Marx saw it as an economic line. Hitler saw it as a racial line. But both of them were collectivist totalitarians (as opposed to individualist libertarians). Both of them thought the Oppressor (Bourgeois or Jews, pick your poison) must be eliminated in order to usher in the Utopia.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
uh. no. marx was not a collectivist totalitarian. marx wrote the communist manifesto to give the working class concrete and functional ways to take back the power that the people on top had. just because someone like lenin claimed the communist manifesto was his inspiration for being a world-class douchebag, doesn't mean he actually understood what marx was on about

edit. also, you seem to understand that marx took the side of the working class. hitler took the side of the upper class. hitler absolutely abused the power he was given (though, nazi germany empowered hitler to do exactly what he was doing. nazi germany tried to assassinate hitler because he wasn't killing enough jews. but that's another topic). hitler absolutely needed to be stopped. according to marx's beliefs, it was well within the rights of the working class to overthrow hitler.

i'm still just really confused how you are lumping those two together... what was the worst sentence in human history?
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Who gives a fuck if Marx wasn't Russian? He is heavily associated with Russia because of communism, so your average person is going to associate Marx with Russia/USSR. So putting it behind Colossus = "lol Marx, lol Soviet communism".

The fact that joke is flying over your head demonstrates why the movie isn't for you.
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