They don"t allow you to go to the registry because they don"t want you hooking up with other sick fuckers to carry out crimes against children and exchange sick fucker material
And they don"t want you to check to see if the information they post is correct; but seems to be in my case.
At 15? Ya I can think of a couple teachers that I would have liked to take home.
At 30? I think those teachers should be charged as sex offenders just like Sam was.
So your wisdom of age has changed your postion? Everyone sees the world from what is to their advantage at that age. When you pay taxes into social security you say the taxes are to high, when you collect social security you say the taxes should be higher so you can collect more ....
To the 15 year old the MILF is by far advantagous to somoe 30 year old guy who donsnt want the MILF having sex with 15 year olds instead of him he says he is against it for the "benifit of the 15 year old". LoL.
Sam, after this thread gets locked, be sure to keep us all updated in regard to the on-going sale of -> Welcome. Brilliant acquisition on your part, after that $100,000 rolls in, I"m sure you"ll be the first 100-boxer.
Ya well the econ kinda shot that out the window but it should sell for something at some point. I got $25K for which I used to own.
The worst thing about this entire ordeal is that Sam"s logical fallacies are extremely easy to point out. But he posts so much you never know what to respond to. The discourse ends up looking like an abortion.
To bad so far very few or none of you have any real logical points to make without dragging babies and drugs into the mix.
I think the final question that needs to be answered is exactly how much monies Sam accumulated from his escort services and how he continues to fund his activities to this day. I mean, I dont exactly see convicted pedophiles going very far in the money making business.
Im a landlord and own 3 properties, I have no kids or a wife thus few expendatures; and I live rent free; and you can see I didnt spend much on my car lol ...
And again the victim has to be 13 or under for someone to be a pedophile; or are the eniter contries of Spain, France and China all pedophiles and most of the United States prior to 1970 and the entire human race for 99.999999 percent of its existent? Its just stupid and for the purpose of makeing business for Law Enforcement to have these laws which server no purpose at all
Get some fucking help you god damn degenerate, child molesting, hooker pussy licking, EQ winning(LOL), WoW failing piece of shit.
Well glad to see I won at EQ like I stated.
If a 15 year old is a child then whats a teenager exactly?
And Im not failing at WoW just not as fast as I would like.
Also, you do not have a 144 IQ. That"s a lie, more false bravado you have dug up.
Sorry the proof is in the Pictures.