Deathwalker Plans 26 Boxing WoW

World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King: Patch Notes

Welcome to the World of Warcraft!

It has come to the attention of staff that there is currently an exploit allowing multiple shaman-bots to simultaneously kill entire battle parties during world PvP. The bug seems to be focused around grouping with a Blood Elf Paladin; we are still currently investigating why. In the meantime, any player caught spamming "I RoXoRs YoUr BoXoRs" in general chat will receive a seven day ban, as this line of code seems to be tied into the shaman-bots" pattern. It should go without saying that it is not okay to spam "I"ve slept with 400 hookers and I live in a dungeon!" while in Barrens Chat; Chuck Norris or no Chuck Norris.

Thank you for your understanding and enjoy the World of Warcraft!


Toe Sucker
EnigmaticParadigm said:
World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King: Patch Notes

Welcome to the World of Warcraft!

It has come to the attention of staff that there is currently an exploit allowing multiple shaman-bots to simultaneously kill entire battle parties during world PvP. The bug seems to be focused around grouping with a Blood Elf Paladin; we are still currently investigating why. In the meantime, any player caught spamming "I RoXoRs YoUr BoXoRs" in general chat will receive a seven day ban, as this line of code seems to be tied into the shaman-bots" pattern. It should go without saying that it is not okay to spam "I"ve slept with 400 hookers and I live in a dungeon!" while in Barrens Chat; Chuck Norris or no Chuck Norris.

Thank you for your understanding and enjoy the World of Warcraft!


larseny316 said:
While I hate to feed the trolls...

What exactly is the point of doing 26 people? Leveling will be absolutely horrid. You can"t grind in WoW like you could in Everquest. You admit you won"t be able to/aren"t interested in raiding. Max number of people in heroics is 5, so what will you do with the other 21 people at the time. The join as a group battlegrounds only support up to 15. Arena teams are 2, 3 and 5. AV can have up to 40 people, but even with perfect timing, you will rarely get all 25 into av at once (you would need to have perfect timing on 5 join as group clicks, as well as less than 15 people in the desired av).

Why not just use 5 accounts? The ONLY thing you can do with the 26 people is try to join as a group in AV. And it will be an awful team. Granted, you will be unstoppable wherever you"re mob is defending/attacking, but AV is won by capping points in tadem, and defending by capping them back. The rest other 14 people on your team will have to spread between almost a dozen locations.

Play 5 accounts, apply your dual boxing know-how to make it ultra streamlined and efficient. That way you can do heroics (alot of shammie boxes do grind in dungeons on the way up), join raids (you would be a caster group all by yourself). Can play 5v5, join any BG without difficulty. 5 shammies will burst down a player as fast as your 25 will. (5 chain lightnings + 5 shocks = dead). Then, once you have a better idea of WoW and its mechanics. If you really want to impress, make another 5 box team, composed of healers/tanks, and combine it with your DPS team, and run the 10 man raids in wrath.
There are addons that assist with getting AV all to yourself/guild. I"ve heard bannable, I"ve heard not.

The bigger issue with queueing as group is that the wait between BGs is much more even if you"re in a small group.

It is funny since 26 is such an amazingly arbitrary and ignorant number. If you"re interested in world PVP the raid limitation is 40...

And he should not roll horde on bloodlust because we want him to get the most challenging and skilled opponents possible or else it"ll cheapen the accomplishment.



Toe Sucker
Question.. Keyclone is not a bannable offense is it? Id actually like to try boxing without losing 3 accounts which would be 6 70s :\


Needless said:
Question.. Keyclone is not a bannable offense is it? Id actually like to try boxing without losing 3 accounts which would be 6 70s :\
Blizz is on the record saying that as long as you"re sitting at the computer and pushing a button it doesn"t matter that the one keystroke is controlling 2+ accounts/clients by forking those commands.

Somehow that"s different than pressing one button and having it automate a series of commands.

Commands automated in parallel: OK
Commands automated in series: not OK


Toe Sucker
Horse said:
Blizz is on the record saying that as long as you"re sitting at the computer and pushing a button it doesn"t matter that the one keystroke is controlling 2+ accounts/clients by forking those commands.

Somehow that"s different than pressing one button and having it automate a series of commands.

Commands automated in parallel: OK
Commands automated in series: not OK
thats what ive been reading too, I guess its "safe" to do until i hear otherwise.. and if i come into conflict i guess you just fight it then huh?


After lurking here so long and reading the tales of Sam da Man from long ago, I am finally compelled to post.

Go, go Sam. Looking forward to hearing about you stirring up things in WoW.
So what happens when the Paladin gets sheeped? Or a mage jumps in and hits iceblock?

I havn"t played since level 60 so I don"t know if those things still confuse boxxer roxxers.


It is hilarious that people here keep going on about "zomg why 26 it doesn"t make sense for [stupid reason]"

Sam is going to do what Sam is going to do. There is no other possibility. This is how the world works. He will 26-box, and he will have the highest server-wide burst dps ever. Think about it.


Potato del Grande
I left my DPS meter running after a DPS test and this is the number I got after doing my daily quests. I wasn"t even trying.

Beat 585973 DPS.


Dude, talk to some people and sell advertising by naming your toons whatever people pay you to name em.

Fuck yeah, put in work. Sam Da Man!