

2 Minutes Hate
I can't say why, because alpha NDA, but they clean up a few things that irritated me (the UI is better but is still awful).


Actually watching videos of more recent gameplay and reminiscing about Tabula Rasa is what made me pull the trigger on it.

I will see you in game Tuesday. We can make a guild Draegan, do they even have those?


<Silver Donator>
How far did the beta go? Is there any sort of like pve content in this, interesting content that is, like dungeons and shit? I'd be willing to maybe try it out but don't really feel like spending money just to level, do rifts and do shitty pvp and that's more or less all I've seen from this game.


2 Minutes Hate
Gameplay is pretty much rifts, dungeons, and solo questing stuff. There are some cool things like these challenges where you race or do rampages and shit. You can click on them in game and see the top 3 players.

I have no idea what the DLC season pass stuff is.

Gear is just weps, nades, shield, vehicle. If you're going to buy, go through steam.


<Silver Donator>
Oh you get Storm Legion for free via steam, that is pretty nice if I ever feel like playing Rift again I guess, and also bunch of inventory slots.

Meh probably won't buy this now though, need to fix my accounts first, can't fucking remember the answer to the secret questions so can't change the passes and they're fucking retarded passes because I didn't want to forget them so don't feel like getting my account emptied, so gonna see how to fix that shit. Could make a new account I guess but annoying.

Checked a few things though, can someone who played a decent bit or know. You can heal via a medgun from what I read, which can also be used to do dmg to mobs. Is there any sort of xp reward for healing? Can you unlock healing abilities(healing ball, healing nova, dispenser, healing aura etc)? Also saw some stuff about melee. Can you actually use melee weapons and melee shit as your main way to kill shit?


<Gold Donor>
To tell you the truth I would rather get the game cheaper through some other site. You still get the regular preorder bonuses. But now you can spend some cash to get the trion fun bucks so you can unlock some shit you really want and get a few lockboxes right off the bat so the noob levels dont suck so bad.


<Silver Donator>
Guess someone fucked up? Even steam tells me the game shouldn't launch until PST launch, weird that'd it'd launch at GMT time.

Got my account shit fixed almost instantly though, was a lot faster than I thought, like they barely required any info to change my secret questions. Wonder if I should buy it. They have a sub, a box AND a cash shop though? Like seriously?

Edit: Ah nvm there's no sub. Makes sense.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Same boat here regarding why I bought it. I broke my cardinal rule of never buying premium ($60) again...

I HATE that I can't look around my mangina. What use is buying Barbie clothes from the cash shop if I can't look around my character? And getting on an ATV doesn't cut it. I play these games for loot and kickass armor. Not for numbers progression (better games out there for that). If I can't look at my character other than his/her ass, it pisses me off. Why I kept away from firefall until they added that feature in.

Only reason why I got it was because there was nothing else...

IF only we got a game like Planetside, but replace the three realms with Space Marines, Eldar, and Chaos.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Been playing all day instead of working...

Any idea why I'm not seeing any text chat, and I don't seem to be able to chat?


Alright, Draegan, I preordered this because of you. If I end up hating it I want a free premium Junkies membership (jk).


Trakanon Raider
So currently you can maybe play so long as you didn't order through Steam?

EDIT: Nevermind I just pulled my key from Steam and the game is updating =p


Throbbing Member
I'm all installed and did everything through Steam. Game says it isn't up on the launcher.