

Typical new mmo.

There are a million quests all over that all feel like they do nothing.

Combat gets old after an hour.

Basically feels like Tabula Rasa and not in a good way. I shouldn't be surprised.


Rasterizing . . .
So what is the consensus? It seems a lot of folks may be buying this because there isn't anything else to play. I played the beta on PS3 and wasn't that impressed, but I only gave it about an hour or so and didn't know anyone I was playing with obviously. Also, I heard that the PC version was a lot better. From a gameplay stand point I am not sure how that is aside from Keyboard/Mouse controls and higher end graphics. Aside from that, it seems technical issues are all over the place. Are they settling down now that the game has launched "officially"?

TLDR: On the fence, help a brother out.
Don't waste your money.


Tranny Chaser
I'm having fun. Ego level 104 now and been going through the episode missions with the characters from the show. Did a 'dungeon' with them as NPCs and it was pretty decent. The abilities you get arent super awesome powered or anything, but I am having fun just shooting things. I like how the weapons are pretty different in their overall effects (knockback etc).

Did a Rift (Okay an Arkfall) with a bunch of people and it was a good time.


Yeah I am enjoying it. Ego level 109 myself. I did a couple rifts also, need to progress a little more in the story. It's just mindless good fun.


<Silver Donator>
Meh server crash or whatever the fuck, it's hard to tell, no info anywhere on anything. Still can't modify settings, apparently I have to plug in another monitor that's not 120hz to make it work or use a HDMI cable to force 60hz on my monitor. That's like super retarded. I don't like how you can't pick more than one quest or drop quests as far as I can tell so if you pick a side quest you have to do it. At the same time so far the side quests were absolute shit like "go 50meters that way, omg it's an ambush, kill 3 guys, loot thing, congrats mission well done". Also apparently some of the shit I claimed didn't respawn, maybe it was one time account stuff, but they don't tell you, deleted the char already so meh. Not sure it was anything useful though, bunch of weapons a tier3 box whatever it is.

Game is decently fun otherwise though, probably not the best 50euros I've spent ever but meh have nothing to play atm anyway since I finished bioshock and ni no kuni and nothing interesting being released soon so whatever.


Molten Core Raider
Did it launch with a streaming client or do you gotta download the bastard all at once?


<Silver Donator>
Did it launch with a streaming client or do you gotta download the bastard all at once?
Full download. Some people reported slow speeds but for me it was 2.8mb/s the whole way, took about 2hours, was like few hours before launch too.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I'm enjoying myself, ego level 95 or so. It's kinda mindless fun. Not sure how long that will last, but I am enjoying myself, did a few minor arkfall and a major one...those were kinda fun, although I ran out of ammo during the major one, and that was frustrating. The main storyline has been kinda interesting so far. The side missions are pretty basics, but there is tons to do...either actual missions, or mini events type things where you gotta protect people.

There's a few mini-games with rankings, like a race, and one that seem to be you just need to shoot as many mutants as possible and score points. I waste lots of time on the race.


Tranny Chaser
The UI is... non intuitive on the PC for some aspects. Some things you double click to equip, other things you have to select and then choose (equip) at the bottom of the page. I went for a couple hours without having any Perks equipped for that very reason. Also many times the main difference between a blue and a green or white weapon is the type of mod slots the thing has, so make sure to equip any mods you find in order to make use of this distinction.

There is also a 'quick travel' option to instantly gate to one of the main base-type waypoints so you will want to make use of this when you can as it saves some time driving around Marin county.


<Gold Donor>
Yeah im lking it too, Ego 161. Dont know how long this will last, but its pretty cool. Did a couple of co-op last night with some pubs and it was cool. Did not do any PvP yet but from what I hear its pretty balanced since the entire game is pretty much sidegrades. Im gonna try PvP tonight. I saw 8vs8, 16vs16, and some 64vs64 war type shit. I dont know why all the hate this game is getting? It might not be polished 100% but its pretty tight. Borderlands type mmo? Sign me up.


Ssraeszha Raider
I'm not falling for this one. In 2 months, I'll be happy I saved the $60.
If you're poor I guess that's a good thing, but otherwise I don't see why everyone feels if they don't play a single MMO for the rest of their life, then it's a waste of money. Most non MMO games don't last two months


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Ego 176 I think. I live in Madera, and it's not where the game says it is...

-You get Overcharge, almost for free. If you did the Ego perks promo codes thing at the My Ego website thing, it will give you the Perk that allows you to get more salvage per loot drop. That links to Overcharge. When you make your character and during the tutorial and the ghost chick asks you to select your first ego Power, feel free to pick something else. I chose Cloak, then once I got another ego matrix point, I unlocked Overcharge. Keep in mind you can only have 1 Power equipped. Perks and Powers are totally different, you can only have 1 power equipped at a time, but you can have several perks equipped depending on your ego level. In order to unlock a new Power you simply have to have a perk connecting to it.
-You don't really have to buy inventory slots from the cash shop. Every so many ego levels, your inventory is expanded by 4 slots.
-You can't delete your stuff. Sell what you don't want to the boxes at friendly camps. Anything else you don't want, convert it to salvage by using the Salvage Matrix. Sometimes you want to get rid of old gear and can't sell it; check equipment slot 2 under Character. Make sure you unequip it from there as well.
-You can quick travel very easily (screw the clunky red Dodge). Hit M, look for a Blue icon that says "Quick Travel location" or something like that. Left click it to Quick travel there. Saves a ton of time particularly once you get past Madera and later areas. Most hubs will have a Blue quick travel icon.
-There's only three missions you really should worry about:
----Stars: these are Episode missions and coincide with the fluff and the show. They give green weapons and the first ones gives you an outfit (costume).
----Big Exclamation mark in a box: these are the main Story missions. Doing these gives green weapons and finishing a chain so far ends in a new outfit (costume).
----Little Exclamation mark in a diamond: these are side missions. Doing these usually gives mods for your weapons. Some of these will chain, finishing these chains will give a green or Blue weapon. [Edit] If you are on a mission side missions and others don't show up on the map. Sorry about that, I was confused as to why a bunch of side missions I had available last night weren't on the map this morning.

-This is not including drops from mobs and bosses. Bosses tend to drop greens and blues. But there is one boss in particular that always drops a blue weapon, he spawns as part of the Tranquil Surface Quest, you should see it when you do the KTAM quests.

The other missions are really optional. They're things like races, time trials, and so on. Usually they give credits, salavage, and a mod. How much you get depends on your performance.


I'm playing. Who wants to start some shit?

I won't be playing super hardcore, but it seems like a good game to play on my TV with an x-box controller while I scratch my balls.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Man I'm hoping the season episodes are cheap. Cause I dunno, but I think the game is kind of short. I'm hoping it isn't.


Trakanon Raider
Man I'm hoping the season episodes are cheap. Cause I dunno, but I think the game is kind of short. I'm hoping it isn't.
Can you elaborate on that? Im on the fence about picking this up but if we have to pay for the tie in shit with the show im gonna pass.