

Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
It's up and running for me even though patcher says it's only starts tomorrow 8am.

Just did the tutorial and first few mission, it was pretty fun for a first hour or so. Looking forward to play it more tomorrow.


<Silver Donator>
Played it for an hour and a half or so, mostly fucking around. Bunch of issues already though, hopefully the game is decent enough that it won't matter. Biggest one is as soon as I click settings, the game crashes to desktop instantly. Apparently a known issue with 120hz monitor. Like how such an obvious thing got past beta I'm not sure but eh. Lag is also very noticeable when playing on "north american" servers, whatever the fuck that means. I assume they're west coast, but it's basically unplayable as a FPS. On the euro server it's a lot more responsive but there seem to be a lot of desyncing issues, that or I can actually miss shots while crouched and not moving, which is possible I guess. Makes sniping retarded though. Also as far as I can tell there's no dmg localization? Or maybe it wasn't very noticeable not sure. Headshots didn't seem to be doing a whole lot more damage. Used up all the shit I claimed and I'm pretty sure I should have kept those +1 weapon books so probably will remake the char. Unless weapon leveling is constant then they'll be best kept until you're in the higher ranks with a weapon.


Silver Squire
60 smackers for a game of unproven quality and probably still in beta state? hahaha!


Yeah that lag is pretty bad playing on US server from EU. When I get home I will try EU to EU.

I ran through the 'tutorial' in like 15 min but I am not a cutscene watcher.


Molten Core Raider
B2P or Monthly sub? Also have they said what happens when scifi cancels the show after 1 season?


2 Minutes Hate
No sub. You buy DLC content.

If scifi cancels the show, they will keep making the game. This question was asked like 100 times during the NY ComicCon like 2 years ago, and it's funny seeing them sigh every time they have to answer it.


Thus far this game is pretty shitty. Desync being one of the major problems and lag adding to it. Also the game crashes everytime I finish the area where you have to protect the reactor. Game losses connection to server everytime and I cant go any further. Hell, they cant even bother to update the patcher where it says the game isnt live when it is.

Very unimpressed so far.


FPS noob
B2P or Monthly sub? Also have they said what happens when scifi cancels the show after 1 season?
The season pass gives you free costume and other shit for the next year, b2p should give you most of the "game" content (free), they don't want a situation where some people can access some areas but others can't. There is also a cash shop for stuff, not much right now but expect many flavor items, vehicles, and tokens that help you get in game gear (not quite p2w but close).

There really aren't any classes in the game, your initial choices just are loadout packs and you can slowly unlock everything with ego points I think (super talent tree with everything in it, like AAs sort of). A lot of gear scales with your level so new stuff is more about mods (gems) and xtra abilities, or using it as salvage to improve your existing gear.

The game is buggy as fuck, and there really isn't any endgame, so almost everyone will be "done" within 1-4 weeks depending on how much they play. They hope to deliver rapid content patches to progress the story as the TV show unfolds, and Trion has had a good track record with Rift on patches, but who knows.

If the TV show wasn't launching next week I seriously doubt the MMO would be launching right now, and I think all the bug fixing is going to have them spinning their wheels for a while. They have also invested a crazy amount of money into this plus the TV show (over $150m), I have to wonder what their fallback plan is if the game doesn't meet some pretty high sales requirements. They need to sell over 1m copies to recoup dev costs for the game. On the good news side Guild Wars 2 sold over 3m copies so it is possible, especially with Defiance being PC+console.


Lag is gone on NA servers, they went down for maybe 5 minutes now its super fast. I have done quite a few Arkfalls which are amazing fun. I had about 40~ people in my last one which was fucking epic. One thing I have learned though, since everyone is still new and has shit weapons, concentrate on crit hits for objectives and only that because of how much damage you can do/ammo you save. I have gone through 500 rounds of SMG, 150 of pistol, and 250 of shotgun easily in 1 arkfall finale.

First one was from the first Arkfall I did, not many people there but I snagged a few SS's. Second is because Iron man suit.


2 Minutes Hate
I played for a few hours last night and I was putting points into reduction of damage after my shield falls. I run around with a shotgun and it seems to work.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
So what is the consensus? It seems a lot of folks may be buying this because there isn't anything else to play. I played the beta on PS3 and wasn't that impressed, but I only gave it about an hour or so and didn't know anyone I was playing with obviously. Also, I heard that the PC version was a lot better. From a gameplay stand point I am not sure how that is aside from Keyboard/Mouse controls and higher end graphics. Aside from that, it seems technical issues are all over the place. Are they settling down now that the game has launched "officially"?

TLDR: On the fence, help a brother out.