I found it hilarious when I heard about 2 years ago that companies look at your online popularity and online presence via twitter followers, facebook friends, etc when applying for a job in marketing. While that somewhat makes sense for a position like Marketing, it"s just comical that all along like most everything else social media, it"s just bullshit and fluff.rinthea said:Do fake followers have any "real" value?
I know marketing types and advertisers like them. But they are idiots.
It looks like you were going too fast and misusing this feature, so you?ve been blocked from it for up to two days.
Best part of the article:Eyashusa said:
They neglect to say 700 million of them are probably fakes.Thanks to a growing black market, companies can instantly raise their profile on Facebook by purchasing thousands of "Likes" at a time -- a practice forbidden by the No. 1 social network,which has 955 million users.
Tuco, I have JUST as much dislike/hatred for Tyen as anyone else. I have to say though that I am in full supporting of sploiting the system; it"s what I do.Tuco said:Haha nothing like getting an approval from Foler for subverting and ruining the internet experience for greed.