Had a complete meltdown the other day. I’ve always been shit at managing stress, but it’s been so much worse lately. Health issues, finances, the state of the country, work, etc. have all been pissing me off and making me an anxiety-ridden mess for a while. I get it, that’s just life and it happens, but for whatever reason I just can’t handle it anymore. Every time bullshit happens, I bitch and then suck it up and just deal with it. I’m in pain all the time, shit in the house is breaking when its still fairly new and costing money, I can’t sleep worth a damn (I get maybe 2-4 hours of sleep and then end up having to nap and just wasting most days tossing around in bed for 6 hours), everything that can go wrong has been going wrong at work and I’m behind, etc. I try to just grin and bear it for the sake of my husband not having to deal with an angry bitch all the time, but I am absolutely miserable constantly and I’m at capacity for eating shit.
Every ping on Slack from work for some dumb little thing sends me into a cursing fit. I don’t make dinner perfectly and I just feel completely worthless as a wife. I had to pull a little money out of savings to cover some unexpected bullshit expenses (the whole reason the savings are there) and I feel like we’re one step away from financial ruin. One of my cats got worms somehow, and I just fucking lost it. Every tiny thing that goes wrong sends me off the deep end. I barely have energy for any hobbies anymore (if they don’t already just make me mad these days like MtG). I’m stressing my poor husband out. I’m scaring my cats during outbursts. I’ve been on a waitlist for a therapist for over 6 months and no luck yet.
I don’t want to die, but I do want to just shut down. I’m tired and I don’t know what to do.
Well, you've decided to do a helpful thing and express your frustration in a healthy way by posting about it here. Good job! And honestly your outbursts seem more like an explosion of the bottled up emotions, rather than you "being a bad person". If there's a lot going on inside of us, and we're at 100% capacity, anything else that gets added to the top falls off on everyone around us.
Honestly, a lot of what you described sounds like fear. Fear of health issues, fear of finances, fear of the state of the country, fear of work, fear of cats getting sick, fear of making your husband not like you... It's a lot of fear!
Fear cycles are a real thing. What is a fear cycle? A fear cycle is:
What you feel: alone, betrayed, controlled, defective, inadequate, judged, misunderstood, etc...
How you respond: act out, anger, rage, arrogance, broadcast, complain, control, criticize, demand, denial, etc...
What you want: acceptance, affection, appreciation, care, comfort, connection, grace, hope, intimacy, joy, passion, power, peace, etc...
The problem is that a lof of us are completely unaware of what we feel and only aware of the response. And we get stuck in the guilt and shame of our response so that its impossible to move towards what we want. There can be a lot of disconnection in these places. And it can be scary to try and "feel" those feelings because we've believed the lie that they're scary and want to hurt us, when the reality is that feelings are great indicators of where we are mentally and emotionally.
I would encourage you to either use FOH as a journal to talk about how you're feeling or start a journal. That way you can atleast start getting a grip on the "how you feel" part of the cycle. I even have a guide I could send you to help you walk through all three steps. I spent about three months doing them on a daily basis before my mind was able to do it on it's own.
The beauty about starting to understand your own fear cycle is that eventually you start focusing on "what you want" instead of getting stuck in the response to your feelings. It's an incredibly powerful reality when you're closer to your wants than your fears. When that happens it becomes a much easier and real choice to go and get what we want.
So, ultimately, I think you're in a good place. Thanks for sharing! You are not stuck and there's a better life in front of you. Consider this the turning point.