Sounds like you're around some shitty people? Change your environment if you can.I know how to meet people. I've done it lots of times. It's just something I rather not do.
For whatever reason people confide in me early on the oddest of things. Especially when it comes to them breaking the law or screwing over someone.
Sounds like you're around some shitty people? Change your environment if you can.
Yaaaa changing locations and having to meet new people can be a bitch.I just changed locations and moved in with the wife. That's why I'm having to go out and meet people.
Also nursing a pretty bad inferiority complex. I'm not working and spend time with my wife who has a fantastic job, my sister in law and her husband. They're both semi retired now at 50.
Yaaaa changing locations and having to meet new people can be a bitch.
Might sound crazy but could potentially solve two problems here. Have you ever skydived? Great sport to get into to meet tons of people who instantly become like family. Never have I met so many people who became like family so fast as when I started. Also it'll give your inferiority complex a jump start. Lot to be said about conquering your fears. Not talking tandem, I mean jumping solo. Being completely serious. TJT can testify it's true as well I'm sure.
Ya sounds like maybe a psych visit for eval would be worth it. Meds could give you the kickstart you need. Have you considered seeing a counselor that does CBT? I'd say that's just as valuable and sometimes more than meds.Dude. It's all I can do now to walk to the car and get in it to go somewhere.
And yes I skydived 27 years ago on my 21st birthday. It was OK, nothing to really to write home about for me at least. My parents bought it for me on my birthday. When I did it my mom decided to try it. She kind of felt the same way.
A team that practiced together went out first. Then I jumped. I spent a good portion of the rest of the day helping them find the team that got scattered all over the world.
What's your other medical issue? Sorry haven't kept up with medical thread.I have a medical marijuana prescription for a while now.
It's not depression that's keeping me bound to the house. It's my other medical issues. Which is why I moved in and got married to my girlfriend that I was with for 20 years. We did the on/off live together thing when it was convenient and eventually with me not working I couldn't fly around all the time. She married me in an effort to save me, now she's having issues.
Also nursing a pretty bad inferiority complex. I'm not working and spend time with my wife who has a fantastic job, my sister in law and her husband. They're both semi retired now at 50.
Thought you were in the chemical industry?
I have a medical marijuana prescription for a while now.
It's not depression that's keeping me bound to the house. It's my other medical issues. Which is why I moved in and got married to my girlfriend that I was with for 20 years. We did the on/off live together thing when it was convenient and eventually with me not working I couldn't fly around all the time. She married me in an effort to save me, now she's having issues.
What's your other medical issue? Sorry haven't kept up with medical thread.
If you're closed off with her, and I suspect that's the kind of relationship you two have (it's a valid sort, i'm not assigning any judgement) this is a way for her to see some parts of you she's been curious about but never had access to.
She's got the ring, she's gonna do a deep dive on ya.
Some women do it. I used to keep a journal intermittently. I had one girlfriend move in with me and read them. I'm like "what in the holy fuck are you wasting your time reading shit that I wrote when I was 20 years old and stoned out of my god damn senses" and she was like "God you used to be an idiot".
Ya uh that's complicated. I assume you had brain and spine MRI. Did lesions show? There's 4 types of MS generally, did the docs have a hunch about which you fit in?It's complicated, basically hunting a diagnoses that fits. Started with ADEM which is one time monophasic MS, then MS, But I have a "very very mild" case of MS. Lots of symptoms that have nothing to do with MS. Lot of going around in circles. Neurologist "symptoms nothing to do with MS". Other doctors "it's common with MS" rinse and repeat. The entire time it gets worse and worse.
Ya uh that's complicated. I assume you had brain and spine MRI. Did lesions show? There's 4 types of MS generally, did the docs have a hunch about which you fit in?
Only know causes I dated a girl once with rrms.
Ok but did you have lesions?75+ doctors and I can't get a 2nd opinion that matches. Under the new diagnosing guidelines that came out in 2017 I don't have MS. It's a never ending loop. Neurologist "These symptoms aren't MS or MS related". Other doctor "It's common in MS". I can't get two neurologist who work for the same hospital group and MS clinic to agree.