Thank you for the explanation.
If you never played Destiny, trying to figure out the progression path for gear sucks ass. I literally have just dabbled in everything until I figured out what worked. Plus I have gotten rid of items that I should not have got rid of. Good news was someone I met online told me I could get back my....Cold Fusion? Gun with a buy back.
The "raid" I must admit was pretty fun. Each fight was unique and a little challenging. The dog/patrol room was very well done. Last boss fight I was stuck on Chalice and Axe duty. Surviving was a bitch, and satisfying after 3 attempts (One guy had done the fight on console) was very satisfying, which is all that matters. I was hoping that there might be abilities that each class and spec could be needed in the raid, but that's a very small complaint.
I use the electricity tree on my Titan. What exotics should I be looking for? I have the breast plate with the fire in the stomach, which LOOKS badass...but I want useful.
Oh! And can I re-skin items?