So there is a heavy ammo glitch for sleeper(or any linear fusion rifle). You put on a linear rifle scav perk, and then when picking up green ammo, you also get heavy. This works in crucible as well. (not sure about gambit, but I would nto doubt it) LOL
Another glitch, when you have one of the new sundial weapons in your inventory and you go to infuse another weapon, some other ghost weapons show up with no perks in your infusion inventory, so essentially you infuse this ghost weapon and it never takes away your real weapon. This is not game breaking or nothing, but you can def get some of your other weapons you rarely use to 960 real fast without infusion fodder.
LOL another one, not sure if intended or not, but the new osmosis perk also works with suppressor grenades. So if you equip a suppressor grenade and use it, all of your bullets from osmosis gun is now suppressor bullets. LOL. Some meme trolling shit right there in crucible.
GG bungie testing team.
Have not played any crucible this season yet, but from the sound of it its a fucking mess.