All they needed to do was have a post campaign quest series that has you go out and research wtf just happened and find out about the Veil. I imagine that will come in the various seasons they release this year. I do agree with Byf that it was poorly handled.
I don't have anything to say other than this is a fair comment.Kinda late but I don’t understand what everyone on YouTube or social media is surprised about. Destiny has always had sub par story (not lore). At least, to me. I dread the initial leveling up story, just as I do on WoW. Especially due to the fact that you must do it 3 times. People only heralded witch queen as great because destiny has always been so mediocre when it comes to their main campaigns. Bar was low to begin with
bungie excels at gameplay, art and systems these days. I wish they’d just take that dev time and dump it into more expansive dungeons or raid wings. Anything else besides their campaign content
I cannot stand strand personally. Great concept - until your spiderman webhook is on a 1-2 minute fucking cool down. It could have been great to use as fun traversal.
Lenas add me back to the clan!
After sleeping on it a couple of days, Nimbus isn't really that different from Cayde-6 or even Fynch. Just had some tone deaf moments.
Cayde-6's story line and emotional grasp at the end destroyed Nimrod in every facet and every level. Nimrod just flat out sucks and is completely unlikable. At least Cayde-6 was entertaining and didn't just sit on his ass whining about shit all day throwing out horribly written dialogue. NImrod is complete cringe every time it opens it's mouth.Admittedly I have one last mission in the campaign but I doubt it will change much - if it gets even more cringe though I will laugh it off and go to work on seasonal stuff and all the other content
Should be friends. Applied as well so if theres an inbox for the clan it should be in there.Too many shitters on consoles that were joining and not participating, had to disable open joining. Post your bungie ID or DM it and I'll send an invite. Unless we are already friends (?) then I'll send one when I get on.